Two of the four coordinators of Sumar, Lara Hernández and Elizabeth Duval, will appear this Saturday at 12 before the media together with the spokesperson for the formation, Ernest Urtasun, and the secretary of feminisms, Amanda Andrades, after the outbreak of the Íñigo Errejón case.
The appearance comes two days after the party’s former parliamentary spokesperson announced his resignation amid accusations of sexual assault. In the statement in which he reported his retirement, Errejón assumed “errors” and acknowledged having “reached the limit of contradiction between the character and the person.” In recent years, his closest collaborators had been leaving him behind and sources close to Sumar have admitted that they warned him that he should “control his personal life.” This Wednesday night, after a meeting of its executive, Más Madrid, a party that he co-founded in 2019 and from whose leadership he had also distanced himself, asked for his resignation and Díaz’s people told him that he should leave the minutes. The resignation, which affects the group on a fundamental issue for the space on the left of the socialists, feminism, leads Sumar to a new stage in a moment that is already delicate due to the step back of the second vice president of the Government and after losing more than half a million votes in the general elections.