Xaviera (Giovana Cordeiro) will arrive with everything in No Rancho Fundoand a resident of Lapão da Beirada will be most affected by her presence: Sabá Bodó (Welder Rodrigues). The powerful woman will give important information to the mayor and make him tremble with a revelation about a character from Mar do Sertão (2022).
The character of Giovana Cordeiro will appear in the last chapters of the current six o’clock soap opera from Globo to help Zefa (Andrea Beltrão) and Tico Leonel (Alexandre Nero) to regain possession of the land where the Blue Grotto is located and be able to explore the mine responsibly, quite differently from what the plot’s villains want.
She will represent a terror especially for Sabá Bodó. The corrupt politician lost his position as mayor of Canta Pedra, a neighboring city, precisely to Xaviera; therefore, you know very well what she is capable of.
The first conversation between the two will already serve to make the scoundrel very scared. In scenes scheduled to air in this Friday’s episode (25), Xaviera will state that the Blue Grotto is within the limits of Canta Pedra.
In other words, Sabá Bodó does not have — or should not have — any influence over the legal procedures involving the site and the release for mineral exploration. This means that your orders and orders have no real value.
There will still be one more revelation from Xaviera that will fall like a bombshell for Sabá Bodó. She will confront the mayor and the first lady, Nivalda (Titina Medeiros) and will say that Jessilaine (Giovana Figueiredo), their daughter, is against them in all activities carried out with malicious intent to harm the Leonels. The mayor will be so shaken by the news about his daughter that he will even faint.
Also read -> Summary of next chapters from the soap opera No Rancho Fundo.
Written by Mario TeixeiraNo Rancho Fundo takes place ten years after the events of Mar do Sertão (2022). The plot will be replaced on November 4th by Girl of the Moment, novel by Alessandra Poggi starring Doubt Santos e Pedro Novaes.
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