Paraíba tourmaline found by Zefa Leonel (Andrea Beltrão) was not the only one to be found in the Blue Grotto in No Rancho Fundo. In the next chapters, Arthur (Tulio Starling) and Quinota (Larissa Bocchino) will discover that other gems left Leonel’s lands — in a smuggling scheme led by Marcelo Gouveia (Jose Loreto) already six o’clock soap opera and Globo.
Charity (Clara Monk) will be essential for crimes to come to light. After all, she will put Guilherme Tell (Rafael Paiva) against the wall to open the package entrusted to him by the villain. “Marcelo Gouveia asked me to go on a trip”, the poet will explain.
“Trip? Where to?”, Larissa Bocchino’s character will ask. “Paraguay. He asked me to deliver packages to some people”, the writer will respond. “And what was in those packages?”, Artur will say.
“I don’t know. They were closed packages”, explains Guilherme, who will be shocked to discover that he could be accused of smuggling. According to the Penal Code, a misdemeanor can lead to two to five years of closed detention.
Desperate, he will try to escape the interrogation to warn Marcelo Gouveia, but he will drop a bag full of precious stones. “They are Paraíba tourmalines”, Quinota will observe, shocked to discover that the Leonels had been passed on for much longer than she imagined.
Also read -> Summary of next chapters from the soap opera No Rancho Fundo.
Written by Mario TeixeiraNo Rancho Fundo takes place ten years after the events of Mar do Sertão (2022). The plot will be replaced on November 4th by Girl of the Moment, novel by Alessandra Poggi starring Doubt Santos e Pedro Novaes.
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