A day and a half before the second round of elections municipal, No Rancho Fundo did not miss the opportunity to make a new attack on Brazilian politicians. The corrupt Sabá Bodó (Welder Rodrigues) spoke in a conversation with Xaviera (Giovana Cordeiro) that “the people don’t know how to vote”.
The meeting took place in this Friday’s episode (25) of six o’clock soap opera and Globo. Bodó was surprised in his office by the arrival of Xaviera, with whom he had already clashed in Mar do Sertão (2022) — the character returned for the final stretch of the new story of Mario Teixeira.
“Xaviera?”, the corrupt man was shocked. “How have you been, Sabá Bodó?”, the girl quipped. “Away from you, I’m doing very well. You, being a creep, took the city hall of Canta Pedra away from me!”, replied the politician, angry.
“It was the people who chose me, man”, minimized the mayor. “Another example that the Brazilian people don’t know how to vote”, said Welder Rodrigues’ character. “What did you come here to do? Do you want to take away another public position from me? Know that now I have powerful supporters,” he continued.
Xaviera then asked her rival to stop shaking nervously. “Well, I’m doing very well in Canta Pedra, you know? But I just came here to make a statement to you about an imperial decree from Dom Pedro 2º, from the time of the Empire, and which was never revoked”, announced the girl.
“What are you talking about, Dom Pedro 2º, we are in a republic proclaimed by Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca. Find out about the state of your country!”, replied the corrupt man.
Xaviera then informed that the Blue Grotto is located in the territory of Canta Pedra and, therefore, does not belong to the area governed by Sabá Bodó. The politician has greatly disrupted the Leonel family’s plans with Paraíba tourmaline.
Also read -> Summary of next chapters from the soap opera No Rancho Fundo.
Written by Mario TeixeiraNo Rancho Fundo takes place ten years after the events of Mar do Sertão (2022). The plot will be replaced on November 4th by Girl of the Moment, novel by Alessandra Poggi starring Doubt Santos e Pedro Novaes.
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