Interpreter of the protagonist Anna in The Enchanted CaveMel Summers turned down a role in Êta Mundo Bom! 2. The child actress’ contract with the SBT prevented progress in negotiations with the Globowhich confirmed the sequence of the serial Walcyr Carrasco for the 2025 schedule.
According to information from the Play column, in the newspaper O Globo, the artist’s agreement with the Silvio Santos (1930-2024) broadcaster only ends at the end of next year.
Mel Summers She has already appeared on Globo in Família É Tudo (2024), when she played the protagonist Venus in her childhood. Afterwards, Nathalia Dill took on the role. The child actress also played Tani in Gênesis (2021), from Record.
Globo announced the production of Êta Mundo Bom! 2 during Upfront, an event focused on the advertising market. The soap opera must replace Girl of the Moment in the six o’clock range in June.
In addition to Sergio Guizeinterpreter of the protagonist Candinho, Flávia Alessandra has already arranged her return to Globo to revive the villain Sandra. Elizabeth Savala and Jeniffer Nascimento should also appear in the continuation of the plot. Camila Queiroz and Bianca Bin were approached about the possibility of returning to the serial.
Larissa Manoela is considered to star in the soap opera. Walcyr Carrasco created the girl thinking about the actress, who has been away from the network since Além da Ilusão (2022).
Directed by Amora Mautnerthe soap opera will have 197 chapters. The story will be set in the 1950s, showing a time jump since the end of the 2016 plot.
Candido will appear in the plot quite shaken by the death of his mother, Anastácia (Eliane Giardini). Furthermore, he will suffer from the disappearance of his son and will have the help of Pancrácio (Marco Nanini) to try to find the boy, who will be raised in an orphanage.
The boy won’t even notice Celso’s threat (Rainer Cadete), who will plan revenge for being left out of the division of his aunt’s inheritance. The embittered man will be able to free his sister, Sandra, from prison (Flavia Alessandra), and will ally with her against her cousin.
Another twist in the serial will be the return of Ernesto (Eriberto Leão). The audience will discover that the villain did not die. He will join Sandra to try to find Candinho’s son before him.
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