After making small appearances in Genesis (2021) and in the ninth season of Reis (2023), actor Rafael Coimbra got his third biblical role in the miniseries Neemias, a spin-off of the hit The Queen of Persia (2024). The experience of playing Perez was so intense that the heartthrob faced an inexplicable experience: he got to talk to God three times.
“My body got hot, the sky got bluer, and He gave me the answers to things I needed to hear. It was really crazy, but I was sure I was talking to God”, admits Coimbra in an exclusive interview with TV News. “Raphaela [Castro]author of the series, laughed at me when I told her and told me: ‘God has much more in store’.”
The curious thing is that, despite editing biblical works on television, he didn’t even consider himself such a religious person until then. “I even have my faith, but I’ve never been that attached to religion. But playing Perez I had this great turning point, I got closer, I understood how important it is to take the message to the public… It’s very beautiful to see what we do”, he says.
The actor also argues that his character in Nehemiah is very different from those he had played in other plots of the film. Record –and not just because of the size of Perez, much more important than Titus (from Genesis) and Eliel (from Kings). “His approach is different, he’s very human, he doesn’t have the villainous side that I was used to doing. There is, yes, a common language that we need to respect, but each product is a new adventure.”
To help him on his adventure, Rafael Coimbra had the support of Felipe CunhaAntonio de Topmost (2019), who took over the general direction of Nehemiah. “Fê was a gift, because he is also an actor, so he participates from the preparation, goes to the rehearsal room, follows everything. I had an immersion, I went from Heaven to Hell with him, but we understood together”, he praises.
He really made me blossom as an actor. Perez was my first big audiovisual character, I recorded a lot, there’s a lot of plot revolving around him. And this whole process that I went through with Felipe confirmed a lot of things I expected about myself, it gave me more confidence. I think I’m ready for the next step in my career.
From adaptations of bestsellers to the Bible
In recent years, Rafael Coimbra also appeared in the film Perdida (2023), an adaptation of the book of the same name by Carina Rissi, and also in the series Back to 15 (2022-2024), inspired by the work of Bruna Vieira. Now, he faces versions of the Bible, the most popular bestseller in the world.
Although quite different, the adaptations also have points in common. “They all have very passionate audiences! The affection of the biblical public surprised me a lot, because people keep asking what’s going to happen. But I’m very happy with this reception, to see that young people are reading more, that the fan clubs are so in love”, values the actor.
With the chapters of Nehemiah being made available weekly on the platform Univer VideoCoimbra awaits the release of the spiritist film Fox Sisters, directed by Wagner de Assis (from Nosso Lar). In the long story about the first mediums in the United States, he had to act the entire time in English — and with an American accent.
“It was a very incredible experience. I had already lived in London and I always wanted to try a career abroad. I think the streaming opened doors for this internationalization, I receive messages from many foreign fans of Back to 15, so there is already that kick”, he says.
“I know it’s a possible path, because Hollywood doesn’t segregate Latin actors so much anymore. But I also think that I still have a lot of wood to burn in Brazil, Perez is just my first big character here, I want to work a lot in my homeland and reap legal rewards”, he concludes.
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