Em You ManiaMercia (Adriana Esteves) will go to the mausoleum where Molina’s body is (Rodrigo Lombardi) and will rescue the only evidence of who killed the businessman. In a hiding place inside her ex-lover’s tomb, she will take a pen-drive containing images of the murder, kept secret for years.
As soon as she gets home, she will get ready to watch the video content on the computer. By pressing play, she will reveal to the public who is truly responsible for the crime.
Determined, Mavi’s mother (Chay Suede) will still make clear what his intentions are with the evidence that exonerates Rudá (Nicolas Prattes): blackmailing one’s own son.
Find out what will happen in this Monday’s episode (21) of Globo’s nine o’clock soap opera:
Chapter summary
Luma frees Mercia, and Mavi finds out. Rudá takes Santiago to the health when I saw him feeling sick. Viola tries on her wedding dress. Mavi threatens Luma to end the pact he made with her if Mercia tells anything about him.
Isis watches Tomás and Evelyn together. Santiago is grateful to Rudá. Moema makes it clear that she doesn’t believe Luma, when the young woman states that she will help Rudá prove his innocence.
Santiago reveals information to Rudá and Moema about the night Molina died. Mércia watches the images of Molina’s death, which reveal the real killer.
Also read -> Summary of next chapters from the soap opera Mania de Você.
Mania de Você is written by João Emanuel Carneiroand the artistic direction is signed by Carlos Araujo.
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