
Mavi sets fire to a boat, wastes millions and puts a clown nose on Rudá · TV News


Red (Nicolas Prattes) will wake up to life and smell a way to get Mavi into trouble (Chay Suede) em You Mania. He will see Santiago (Roberto Birindelli) receiving an envelope from Iberê (Jaffar Bambira) and you will find it suspicious. The good guy will stay on the lookout and discover an enemy animal trafficking scheme in the nine o’clock soap opera and Globo.

Innocent, he will tell Luma (Agatha Moreira) who will report the criminals, but she will rush to tell Mavi everything. The villain will turn the tables: he will pay her more money to keep her cool. He will then alert his accomplices and order the vessel with the contraband to be set on fire.

It will not be this time that Rudá will have a victory over the villain. This story will begin airing this Thursday (24) and will continue through the next chapters. “You’re involved in drug trafficking, Mavi, is that it? Are you a drug dealer?”, Luma will ask after hearing his lover’s reports.

As the scene continues, she will want more money to keep the newly discovered little secret just between them. He will once again make a generous pix for his intimate enemy. But Rudá will be on his brother’s heels.

With his mouth open, the fisherman will once again confide in Luma that he is investigating Santiago. Moema (Ana Beatriz Nogueira) will report the clandestine operation on the pier to the police, even knowing Iberê’s involvement.

Agile, Luma will send a message alerting Mavi, who will tell Iberê to cancel the operation. Rudá will appear by surprise and fight with his brother to prevent him from disappearing with the “cargo” that will already be on the vessel. Iberê will take a while to get rid of “Tarzan”, and then Mavi will order him to empty the boat and set it on fire.

Also read -> Summary of next chapters from the soap opera Mania de Você.

Mania de Você is written by João Emanuel Carneiroand the artistic direction is signed by Carlos Araujo.

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Michelle Williams

I'm Michelle Williams, an enthusiastic author specializing in captivating entertainment content on Rwcglobally.com. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for the latest trends, I aim to engage readers with compelling narratives that reflect the dynamic landscape of the entertainment industry. Join me on Rwcglobally.com to explore the world of film, television, music, and more, as we uncover the stories that define contemporary culture.

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