After stealing the pen-drive with the images that prove that Mavi (Chay Suede) is Molina’s killer (Rodrigo Lombardi), Luma (Agatha Moreira) will come close to regaining everything he lost in You Mania. She and Mercia (Adriana Esteves) will make a deal to blackmail the criminal and take possession of his penthouse at the Albacoa resort. The villain will find himself unable to turn the tide nine o’clock soap opera and Globo.
Red (Nicolas Prattes) will discover the truth and end the relationship with Luma. He will not accept the new pact she will make with Mavi and will decide to leave Brazil again.
Practically at the same time, Viola (Gabz) will discover what was under her nose and break their friendship by unmasking her as Mavi’s ally. The chef will finally understand that her fiancé is a criminal and that her “friend” always knew about his schemes.
She will see what was in her face after Cristiano (Bruno Montaleone) is arrested in Europe taking illegal cargo from Portugal to Spain. Viola will help Michele (Alanis Guillen) to return to Brazil and will be sure that Mavi is part of the criminal scheme that turned the couple hostage in Lisbon.
To put her revenge into practice and force Mavi to do what she wants, Luma will count on the help of Cida (Victoria Frossatti), a character who appeared at the beginning of the second phase of the plot, when Agatha Moreira’s character lived in a boarding house. in São Paulo and worked as an app driver.
Before Luma steals the pen-drive from Mércia’s hands later this week, the public will see a manhunt take place at the Carmelitas shelter, where Mavi and Molina’s mother were raised. Mavi will do anything to get the device, but whoever will win the dispute will be her enemy.
Rudá, without being able to prove his innocence, will try to put his tail between his legs and return to Filipa’s arms (Joan of Verona), the woman he abandoned in Lisbon. Moema (Ana Beatriz Nogueira), however, will try to make his nephew give up on this and also open Viola’s eyes.
Also read -> Summary of next chapters from the soap opera Mania de Você.
Mania de Você is written by João Emanuel Carneiro, and the artistic direction is signed by Carlos Araujo.
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