A Globo everything changed in the planning of Êta Mundo Bom! 2, six o’clock soap opera scheduled to debut in June next year, after Girl of the Moment. The initial idea was that Walcyr Carrasco write the first 30 chapters of the continuation of his story and then pass the scripts on to Mauro Wilsonauthor of The More Life, the Better! (2021). Now, the creator will play the serial until the end — and, therefore, will lose his place in the 9pm queue.
Wilson’s departure from Candinho’s story (Sergio Guize) was reported by columnist Carla Bittencourt, from Portal Leo Dias, and confirmed by TV News with sources in Globo production. The broadcaster has not officially commented on the change.
According to the report, Globo’s commercial department was responsible for keeping Walcyr Carrasco on Êta Mundo Bom! 2. Responsible for selling advertisements and merchandising that pay for the soap opera, the sector warned that the novelist’s name is a big draw for brands and that removing him from the serial at the beginning could compromise revenue.
As a result, those responsible for successes such as Love of Life (2013) e The Lady of the Piece (2019) should take some more time to return to Globo’s prime time — after You Maniaof João Emanuel Carneirothe remake of Anything goesof Manuela Diasand an unpublished work by Gloria Perez.
Carrasco should enter after the author of Travessia (2022), as he had already done with his Earth and Passion (2023). Now, the expectation is that Gloria will be succeeded by Três Graças, synopsis that took Aguinaldo Silva back to Globo.
Second defeat in a row
Taken from the authorship of Êta Mundo Bom! 2, Mauro Wilson goes through a critical moment behind the scenes at Globo. The author had received approval to develop Conta Comigo, seven o’clock soap opera that would replace Family Is Everything (2024) and was even announced at Upfront last year and even offered to the advertising market.
However, the board preferred to shelve the project because of its history, which had political themes. The story had a community leader and corrupt councilors, which could not go over well during an election period. One of villains He was someone who left the community and became corrupt when he came to power.
The management was afraid that the same thing would happen as in 1989, when the broadcaster was accused of campaigning for Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva em The Savior of the Fatherlandand in 2002, when Dança da Vida, by Maria Adelaide Amaralwas banned from airing during the election year by court order.
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