O remake Anything goes (1988) is the great bet of the Dramaturgy of Globo to 2025, when the broadcaster turns 60. But the author Silvio de Abreu e Mauro Alencara doctor in Brazilian television drama, see the rereading of the serial as something very dangerous. Guests of the new edition of the Dois Pontos vodcast, from Estadão, they remember that most remakes of soap operas from Globo itself did not work.
Abreu headed the broadcaster’s Dramaturgy area until 2020. He has a theory that the remakes that become hits at the audience leader are reinterpretations of new stories on the broadcaster, as was the case with Pantanal (2022), originally shown on Headline em 1990.
“I have a theory that I don’t know if it’s valid or not. For me, the soap operas that were on TV Globo and that were made remakes, none of them worked. The soap operas that weren’t on TV Globo, but that were made remakes within TV Globo, they worked”, explained the author.
Alencar agrees with Abreu. “It’s not theory, no. It’s exactly that. No matter how good the Tupi TVwas not as overwhelming as TV Globo, which really created an amalgam with society, like [o cineasta] Walter da Silveira [1915-1970] said: ‘TV Globo’s soap operas have become true happeningssocial events'”, commented the academic.
He cites as examples of successful remakes that were from another broadcaster Sand Women (1993) e The Journey (1994). “But Ivanir Ribeiro herself [1922-1995] He rewrote it, re-updated it, and it was on TV Tupi, so no one watched it anymore. Now, the big problem with the remake, I quote the late Dias Gomes [1922-1999]which said that Odorico Paraguaçu was not just his. Paulo Gracindo [1911-1995] did it together”, said the specialist.
He wanted to exemplify that a success is not just the author’s, but also has the emotion and all the energy imposed by the actor. “It’s very complex, it’s actually very dangerous,” added Alencar.
Abreu recognizes that he made a mistake in remaking War of the Sexes in 2012. In 1983, the soap opera had been a success. The problem was not the interpretation of the actors in the second version, but the fabulous creation made by their predecessors, who transformed the plot text into pure fun, at a time when women and men were fighting more for their spaces.
“Vale Tudo is worrying because they have already changed, they are changing several things in the soap opera. So, then, I also don’t know what will stay, it’s bad for you to talk about things you don’t know”, said the playwright.
Abreu doesn’t want anyone to remake another of his soap operas, like Queen of Scrap (1990). “When you make a soap opera, what will make it a success is the cast, the time, the subject of that moment”, said the author. To conclude, he pointed out that in the cinema remakes are not usually successful.
Alencar recalled that Ivani Ribeiro he only practically made remakes on Globo of his soap operas from other channels, but Janet Clair (1925-1983), who was a brilliant author, never had success with a remake. “It’s complex, it’s very difficult. So, it’s very difficult to know whether something that was successful 30 years ago will be successful again now”, said the doctor in teledramaturgy.
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