Water supply resumes in 60 neighborhoods in Salvador; Full return will be within 72 hours
Service had to be suspended for maintenance
Published on October 24, 2024 at 08:23

Embasa carried out maintenance on pipes Credit: Disclosure
Water supply began to gradually resume in the neighborhoods of Salvador after a maintenance break. Properties have already started receiving water this Thursday (24) and the system is expected to be completely back to normal within a maximum period of 72 hours after resumption (check the list of affected locations below).
The company explains that the return is always gradual, because to reach the properties, the water takes time to travel through kilometers of network when leaving the distribution reservoirs, located in different parts of the city. When the reservoirs are filling again and the level is still low, the system cannot have enough pressure to supply the highest points of the network. Therefore, places in higher areas tend to take longer to have their water supply regularized.
Other factors that can interfere with the regularization time are the position of the property in relation to the distribution network (those at the end of the network also have to wait longer), the existence of clandestine connections (which take water from the network without informing Embasa, making it difficult to pressurization of pipes) and even the characteristics of the property, as those with more than one floor equipped with a water tank on the ground floor with a pump to raise water to the upper water tank, can quickly supply the upper floors.
While supply is not completely regularized, users can request alternative supply by water truck, providing registration number information, through customer service channels: telephone 0800 0555 195, WhatsApp (71) 99717-0999, virtual service (atendimentovirtual .embasa.ba.gov.br) and in-person points. Priority for water truck service will be given to hospitals and health centers.
The areas undergoing regularization are: Acupe; Amaralina; Sandy; Arraial do Retiro; Barbalho; Bar; Barriers; Barrels; Sprouts; Boca do Rio; Cabula; Cabula VI; Calabetão; Sidewalk; Tree Path; Campinas de Brotas; Candeal; Cinnamon; Center; Chapada do Rio Vermelho; New City; Cosme de Farias; Costa Azul; Curuzu; Doron; Old Mill of the Federation; Engenho Velho de Brotas; Ironing machine; Federation; García; Grace; Forest Garden; IAPI; Imbuí; Itaigara; Jardim Armação; Jardim Santo Inácio; Luiz Anselmo; Freedom; Dark Forest; Matatu; Narandiba; Nazareth; Northeast of Amaralina; New Horizon; Ondine; Landings; Small Dick; Pernambués; Pero Vaz; Piatã; Pituaçu; Pituba; Rescue; Retreat; Red River; Soapmaker; Santa Cruz; Santa Monica; São Gonçalo; Saramandaia; Puma; Stiep; Tancredo Neves; Vale das Pedrinhas and Vila Laura.
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