Voting is a powerful instrument of social transformation, says Cármen Lúcia
The minister also congratulated the Electoral Court employees
Published on October 27, 2024 at 12:20 pm
Cármen Lúcia takes office at TSE Credit: Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil
The president of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), Cármen Lúcia, stated that voting is the greatest gesture of democratic life and a powerful instrument of social transformation. The minister made a statement on Saturday night (26), the eve of the second round of municipal elections, on national radio and television.
“Those who did not vote in the first round not only can, but must go to the polls this Sunday, if there is a second round in their city”, he recalled. “When you vote, you make a choice for your future and the future of the people you love. Participate! Help make your city better. Your gesture makes Brazil”, added Cármen Lúcia.
Related news:Elections 2024: TSE checks systems for second round.Elections 2024: remember the rules for the second round of voting.Voting in the 2nd round of elections will also have a unified schedule.This Sunday (27), almost 34 million voters will return to ballot boxes to elect the mayors and vice-mayors who will represent them for the next four years, in 15 capitals and 36 other municipalities in the country. Polling stations will be open from 8am to 5pm, Brasília time.
Cármen Lúcia highlighted that the electronic voting machines used in the election are safe and auditable and are prepared to receive votes. “Your participation [eleitor] It is fundamental for those who dreamed of democracy before us and fought for us to have this right, and for those who will come after us, persisting in the same commitment for a fairer Brazil”, said the minister, thanking the more than 130 million who voted in the first round of elections and invited every voter in the 51 cities to go to the polls and “exercise the right to choose the government of their city”.
The president of the TSE also thanked the electoral judges and the almost 2 million poll workers who worked in the first round and “continue to dedicate themselves to this act of committed civility”. “And to the public security forces who help so that everyone can vote in peace, thank you very much”, he added.
The minister also congratulated the Electoral Justice employees, “models of responsibility and dedication”, on Public Servants Day, celebrated next Monday (28).
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