‘This is a pain I never imagined feeling’, says father of businessman found dead in Novo Horizonte
Lucas Pereira, 31 years old, went to take his mother-in-law home and disappeared. Body was buried this Thursday (24)
Published on October 24, 2024 at 11:57

Lucas Pereira da Silva’s funeral took place this Thursday (24) Credit: Gil Santos/CORREIO
The body of businessman Lucas Pereira da Silva, 31 years oldwas buried this Thursday morning (24) at the Bosque da Paz Cemetery, in Nova Brasília. Lucas was missing for five days and was found dead on Wednesday (23). He owned a delivery restaurant, in Novo Horizonte, and disappeared after taking his mother-in-law home, in Sussuarana. The police investigate the case.
The burial began late. When Lucas’ body arrived at the cemetery, around 10 am, friends were already waiting in chapel 2 and as time passed the place became crowded. At around 11 am the body left the chapel to applause and the funeral procession continued in silence. Lucas was married. Although the relationship was not official, he had been with his wife for 11 years and the couple had lived together for two years. Excited, his father, Josimar Mariano, demanded effective action from the police.
“This is a pain that I never imagined feeling or being so cruel. I ask that the Secretary of Public Security not let this go unpunished, my son was not a bum, he was not a thief and they did this cruelty to my son. I want response. My son was not a bum to die like that”, he stated.
Owner of a restaurant in Salvador, Lucas Pereira da Silva, 31, was approached by an armed group at the end of the street in the Novo Horizonte neighborhood, while he was on a motorcycle. He was missing for five days. His body was found on Wednesday morning (23), on Avenida Gal Costa.
To CORREIO, family members say that Lucas had left home, in the Novo Horizonte neighborhood, to leave his mother-in-law in Sussuarana. He then returned to the region where he lived, but was approached by men along the way. The motorcycle, cell phone and other objects that were with Lucas were also not found.
Lucas owned Amatto delivery, specializing in live Italian food delivery.
There is still no information about the motive for the kidnapping. The Civil Police are investigating the disappearance.
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