
Correio newspaper | See the benefits and indications of hippotherapy


See the benefits and indications of hippotherapy

See the benefits and indications of hippotherapy

Complementary treatment method uses horses to improve the health and quality of life of patients

  • Photo by the author Portal Edicase

Published on October 29, 2024 at 1:23 pm

Equine therapy is used in healthcare areas to help treat the physical and mental health of patients (Image: Jordi Mora | Shutterstock)

Equine therapy is used in health areas to help treat the physical and mental health of patients Credit: Image: Jordi Mora | Shutterstock

It is not new that animals are part of people’s lives, not only as pets, but also as therapeutic aids. One of these examples is in hippotherapy, a complementary treatment method in which the horse is used as a facilitating instrument, whether kinesiotherapeutic or pedagogical, in stimulating the motor and intellectual development of people with disabilities.

According to physiotherapist Cleonice Garbuio Bortoli, master in internal medicine from the Federal University of Paraná and professor of the physiotherapy course at UniBrasil, when the horse moves, it transmits a three-dimensional movement, that is, in three planes and axes: horizontal (forward back and forth), vertical (up and down) and lateral (side to side). This gait, through somatosensory, proprioceptive and vestibular stimuli, causes the practitioner to make several postural adjustments, facilitating sensory and motor activities.

“The word equine therapy was created by the National Equotherapy Association, in 1989, and defines equine therapy as a method that uses the horse in an interdisciplinary approach in the areas of health, education and horse riding, and defines the ‘patient’ as a practitioner, as the individual interacts in the rehabilitation process as he interacts with the horse”, explains the physiotherapist.

The method is divided into four programs: hippotherapy, education/re-education, pre-sports and paraequestrian sports. “Globally, equine therapy is part of animal-assisted therapies, in this specific case, horse-assisted therapy”, he adds.

Indications for hippotherapy

The educator highlights that equine therapy is recommended as a treatment for neurological, orthopedic, rheumatological, genetic diseases and mental and psychological disorders. It is also an effective method for treating diseases with physical disabilities, intellectual and behavioral disabilities, sequelae of surgical trauma and diseases that compromise balance and motor coordination.

“Among some diseases, we can mention cerebral palsy, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, ataxias, autism spectrum disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Down syndrome, leukodystrophies, muscular dystrophies, multiple sclerosis , among countless others”, exemplifies the teacher.

However, she adds that equine therapy “does not work on the disease, but rather on the characteristics and impairments presented by individuals, with appropriate assessments being necessary to indicate whether or not the therapy is indicated”.

Hippotherapy helps improve balance, posture and coordination of movements (Image: Iryna Inshyna | Shutterstock)

Hippotherapy helps improve balance, posture and coordination of movements Credit: Image: Iryna Inshyna | Shutterstock

Benefits of practicing hippotherapy

There are countless benefits from practicing equine therapy. Among them, the physiotherapy professor at UniBrasil highlights the help in delaying neuropsychomotor development, which is controlling the head, trunk, sitting, standing up and walking; in the recovery of motor function and functionality; improving posture, balance, coordination of movements, gaining and maintaining muscle strength, developing attention and affection.

Giovanna Carla de Candido Dante practiced equine therapy as part of the treatment for hemiparesis, a consequence of a hemorrhagic stroke she had at the age of 18. “It was incredible! Contact with the horse is wonderful! At first I was scared because it is very high and unstable, but in a short time I gained confidence and fell in love with ‘Vendaval’. It seemed like he understood me!”, he recalls.

For her, the main benefits perceived with the help of hippotherapy were: self-confidence, balance and well-being. “Contact with the animal improves self-esteem, stimulates tactile, visual and auditory sensitivity, among others, bringing physical, pedagogical and psychological benefits, improving the quality of life of these individuals”, highlights Cleonice Garbuio Bortoli.

On the other hand, she emphasizes that, despite several benefits, the practice also presents contraindications that can be absolute or relative. Therefore, physiotherapeutic, medical and, in some cases, psychological evaluation is necessary, carried out by professionals who have knowledge and contact with equine therapy.


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Michelle Williams

I'm Michelle Williams, an enthusiastic author specializing in captivating entertainment content on Rwcglobally.com. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for the latest trends, I aim to engage readers with compelling narratives that reflect the dynamic landscape of the entertainment industry. Join me on Rwcglobally.com to explore the world of film, television, music, and more, as we uncover the stories that define contemporary culture.

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