Second round: two electronic voting machines are replaced in Camaçari
In Bahia, more than 98 pieces of equipment were replaced in the first round
Published on October 27, 2024 at 1:43 pm
an urn Credit: Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil
Two electronic voting machines were replaced in Camaçari, in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador (RMS), this Sunday morning (27), during the 2nd round of the 2024 Municipal Elections. The last update was at 12:30 pm.
According to the Regional Electoral Court of Bahia (TRE-BA), 600 ballot boxes were prepared for the election, including contingency ballot boxes.
To date, TRE-BA has not recorded any incidents involving candidates, nor arrests of voters.
Of the four cities in Bahia with more than 200 thousand voters, Camaçari is the only one where the 2nd round will take place. The first poll of voting intentions for mayor points to an advantage for candidate Flávio Matos (União Brasil) against Luiz Caetano (PT). According to a survey carried out by the P&A institute, released on the 15th, Flávio appears with 50.8% and Caetano, with 49.2%, taking into account the intentions of valid votes.
In the simulated scenario, Flávio appears with 44.7% of voting intentions against 43.3% for Caetano. . In the spontaneous scenario, the União Brasil candidate scores with 43.5% of voting intentions against 42.2% for the former PT mayor. Caetano leads the rejection, with 42.2%, while Flávio has 39.8%.
The P&A institute predicted the second round in Camaçari by pointing out a scenario of a technical tie on the eve of the election on October 6, a scenario that ended up being confirmed at the polls.
First round
The exchanges took place in the cities of Abaré, Alagoinhas, Belmonte, Belo Campo, Boa Nova, Cabaceiras do Paraguaçu, Candiba, Carinhanha, Central, Chorrochó, Coaraci, Conceição do Coité, Dias D’Ávila, Entre Rios, Feira de Santana, Ibicaraí, Itagi, Ituaçu, Jacobina, Jequié, Jussara, Macaúbas, Matina, Medeiros Neto, Mortugaba, Muritiba, Mutuípe, Nova Ibiá, Piatã, Poções, Porto Seguro, Retirolândia, Riacho de Santana, Ruy Barbosa, Salvador, Santo Antônio de Jesus, Santo Estevão, Senhor do Bonfim, Tremedal, Valença, Vitória da Conquista and Wenceslau Guimarães.
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