Riachão’s posthumous album will be released on the day he would have turned 103
The work has ten new songs, and was originally called “Se Deus Quiser Eu Vou Ar Chegar aos 100”
Published on October 22, 2024 at 3:55 pm
Riachão releases album Credit: Antonio Brasiliano I Disclosure
First hand to the Hello Hello Bahiaor selo Natura Musical confirmed that the longest-lived samba player in Bahia, Riachãoyou will have a posthumous album released on November 14th. Com 10 new compositionsrecorded by Riachão himself and other Brazilian artists – including his grandson, Taian Paim –, the album “Where I have arrived is arrived” it has been stored since March 2020, when the samba master passed away at the age of 98 years. The announcement of the selection in the Natura Musical notice had taken place just four months earlier.
At the time, the work, which would be called “If God Wills I Will Reach 100”became a fair tribute to the composer of classics such as “Every Monkey on Its Branch” e “Go Live with the Devil”. Now reformulated and with release date for the day Riachão would turn 103the project brings together high-ranking voices such as Roberto Mendes, Juliana Ribeiro and Enio Bernardes.
A captive and perennial figure in the center of Salvador, bumping into Riachão on the street corners was always like receiving a gift. So that’s why, also on the 14thThursday, a samba circle at Cantina da Lua, in Pelourinho, will celebrate the release of “Onde eu Chega, Está Chega” and the memory of Clementino Rodrigues – the baptismal name. The stronghold, commanded by the friend and partner Clarindo Silvait was quite attended (and sung) by Riachão and other Bahian immortals like Batatinha, Edil Pacheco and Walmir Lima.
Edil Pacheco, Riachão, Batatinha and Ederaldo Gentil in front of the Vila Velha Theater Credit: Reproduction
Along with the album, a website goes live (www.riachaosambista.com.br) which will house a wide collection of photographs, reports, records, phonograms and audiovisual documents that reveal the life and work of the Malandro over more than six decades. To complete, three mini documentaries about the process of carrying out the peculiar project will be made available at the same address. The docs are directed by Claudia Chávez.
Heritage of Bahia and Brazil, with joy and smile always on display, Riachão was a pioneer and the longest-lived samba player in Bahia. As a child, according to himself, he sang samba chula and samba de roda as his enslaved ancestors sang in the slave quarters.
There are more than 500 compositions, many of them never recorded, of authentic samba and oral traditionsome performed by artists such as Jackson do Pandeiro, Jamelão, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Dona Ivone Lara, Beth Carvalho, Cássia Eller, Zélia Duncan and so many others. He said: “I have no idea of writing anything, the samba is inside my head, according to what happens around me”.
Organized by Giro Plano Cultural, the album “Where I arrived, is arrived” is sponsored by Natura Musical and the State Government, through Fazcultura, the Secretariat of Culture and the Secretariat of Finance. Riachão was selected by the Natura Musical notice alongside DecoloniSate, Festival da Diversidade: Paulilo Paredão, Festival Frequências Preciosas, Gabi Guedes, Melly and Sued Nunes. In the State, the platform has already offered resources for more than 80 music projects until 2022, in different formats and career stages, such as Margareth Menezes, Luedji Luna, Mateus Aleluia, Mahal Pita and Casa do Hip Hop da Bahia.
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