Only 27% of Bahians paid the Enem registration fee; understand
Data was released by the Ministry of Education (MEC)
Published on October 24, 2024 at 07:44

Enem notebooks Credit: Shutterstock
Only 27% (101,253) of Bahians registered for Enem paid the registration fee, according to data released by the Ministry of Education (MEC). The other 73% (275,099) are exempt from the registration fee.
In total, Bahia received 376,352 registrations, of which those from participants who have already finished high school correspond to 45.5% (171,279). In addition, another 67,448 registrations come from 1st or 2nd year students and 2,122 from people who do not attend or have completed high school, but will take the Enem to test their knowledge (trainers).
Bahia registered 140,706 students completing high school in the public network enrolled in the National High School Exam (Enem) 2024, which represents 100.00% of the total of these students. The estimate considers the number of 1,616,606 participants who are completing the teaching stage in 2024. The data is self-declaratory and the percentages were estimated based on the 2023 School Census (most recent edition of the survey with the final results published).
The Ministry of Education (MEC), through the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), will administer the tests on the 3rd and 10th of November.
In total, Enem 2024 registered 4,325,960 registrations. Of these, the majority have already completed high school (1.8 million). Furthermore, 1.6 million enrollees are finishing the teaching stage in 2024, 841,546 (19.4%) are 1st or 2nd year students and 24,723 (0.6%) are so-called trainees – those who are neither studying nor have completed high school, but will take the Enem for self-assessment purposes.
This edition of the exam will have 140 thousand test rooms, in around 10 thousand application locations, distributed in 1,753 municipalities throughout Brazil.
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