
Correio newspaper | Minister wants part of the taxation of large fortunes for civil defense



Minister wants part of the taxation of large fortunes for civil defense

Waldez Goés said that the topic is being discussed in a G20 group

  • Photo by the author Agência Brasil

Published on October 24, 2024 at 1:15 pm

The Minister of Integration and Regional Development, Waldez Góes

The Minister of Integration and Regional Development, Waldez Góes Credit: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

The Minister of Regional Integration and Development, Waldez Góes, defended this Thursday (24) that part of the resources that can be raised through the taxation of large fortunes be used to finance protection and civil defense actions, to reduce inequalities in most vulnerable portion of the population affected by extreme weather events.

The topic is being debated at the G20, which has committed to working to reduce inequality. The minister coordinates the G20 Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group, whose next meeting will be in Belém, at the end of November, where the proposal should be discussed again.

“We have defended for Brazil, and for the world, that great fortunes being taxed, part of these resources go to reducing inequalities, since those at greatest risk are the people who are living in areas that they need greater support and public policies”, said Waldez Góes on the program Bom Dia, Minister, on Canal Gov, from Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC).

Also according to the minister, one of the actions that the government is developing is aimed at reducing inequalities and offering microcredit for family farming in the North and Central-West regions, operated with resources from the constitutional funds of the two regions, the Constitutional Financing Fund for the North (FNO) and the Central-West (FCO).

Waldez Góes explained that the funds did not offer microcredit to families and that the government will operate this policy, in partnership with the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Agriculture and Caixa Econômica Federal. For this year, R$300 million in transfers are planned, with R$150 million from the FCO and another R$150 million from the FNO.

The minister recalled that President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva made a change to microcredit. “Until then, on a property only the farmer took out the credit. Now, the farmer can withdraw the credit, but his wife and son can also withdraw the credit. What is certain is that families together can have three credits to finance their production”, he explained.

“This has an effect on production, generation and distribution of income, social inclusion, and reduced inequality,” he added.

The minister also said that the start of testing of the Early Warning System for the South and Southeast regions is scheduled for the beginning of November and that the situation rooms set up on the occasion of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul, and the drought and fires in The Amazon region and the Pantanal continue to operate.


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Michelle Williams

I'm Michelle Williams, an enthusiastic author specializing in captivating entertainment content on Rwcglobally.com. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for the latest trends, I aim to engage readers with compelling narratives that reflect the dynamic landscape of the entertainment industry. Join me on Rwcglobally.com to explore the world of film, television, music, and more, as we uncover the stories that define contemporary culture.

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