Maya Massafera says she is dating a Flamengo player
Blogger said she changed partners a few days ago
Published on October 20, 2024 at 5:06 pm

Maya Massafera with bouquet of flowers Credit: Social networks
Always in the spotlight, influencer Maya Massafera stated, this Sunday (20), that she left her old boyfriend and is now with a new love: a Flamengo player.
“Calm down, I’m seeing a football player. I’m not with that guy anymore,” she said while holding a bouquet of flowers.
Despite the curiosity of internet users, she limited herself to just saying that the boy plays for the Rio team, shocking everyone with the Sunday news. “Today’s reality show is amazing!”, he added, telling his followers that he will call his new virtual life reality.
On October 17th, she posted a post in her stories commenting that she was going out with a boy, even showing her date’s face, also commenting that it would be an open relationship.
“If I go out with someone else, will you be upset? If I want to kiss someone else today, can I kiss them?”, asked Maya in the video. However, the relationship did not go ahead.
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