Irani, Maguila’s wife, says the illness changed the former boxer’s temperament
Former athlete’s brain was donated for studies due to chronic traumatic encephalopathy
Published on October 25, 2024 at 4:45 pm
Maguila was buried this Friday (25) Credit: Reproduction/Instagram
Adilson Maguila Rodrigues’ wake, this Friday, at the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo, was marked by emotion from family and fans. The body of the 66-year-old former boxer will be taken after 12 noon in a procession to São Caetano do Sul, where he will be buried in the Cemitério das Lágrimas.
Irani Pinheiro, married to Maguila for 36 years, thanked the fans for their love. “I want to thank everyone for their presence, the Brazilian people, who are sad today, all of us. But it’s an honor to be talking about a person who was part of Brazil, who never denied his origin. We just have to thank him, first to God, who is giving us strength until now, and all of you journalists, all the people who love him and believe and have always believed in him”
She revealed that the illness has changed Maguila’s temperament in recent times. “Maguila was a calm person before the disease. For those who don’t know, chronic traumatic encephalopathy is very similar to Alzheimer’s. Those who have family members know that he has several (similar) symptoms and he had symptoms of aggression, not because of him, but from the disease. And he was a calm person, he was in the press, at home, a boy, he was like that.”
Irani also said that Maguila had been diagnosed with a lung nodule, but avoided linking the problem to the death of the national boxing idol. “As he had been undergoing treatment for some time, about two months ago he was hospitalized for 28 days, with a lot of pain in his abdomen and a nodule was discovered in his lung. This nodule was removed practically about two liters of water from his lung. There was no time to do a biopsy because he was already more weakened. And then it got worse. If you look at the photo, in June he was fine, he was at our institute, well with the care.
The former boxer’s wife also thanked the presence of doctor Renato Anghinah, neurologist and professor at the University of São Paulo (USP). “Renato took care of him with so much affection,” said Irani.
Maguila’s brain was donated for studies, due to the chronic traumatic encephalopathy that the former athlete faced in recent years. “Maguila has been ill for 18 years, and because of that we decided to donate his brain even during his lifetime. This was done yesterday for study.”
Many fans attended the wake. Silently, they approached the coffin, said a prayer and left the place crying. Maguila, who boxed from 1983 to 2000, with 77 wins (61 knockouts), seven losses and one draw, was South American champion, the Americas champion and reached second place in the World Boxing Council rankings.
He won an epic fight against the American James Quebra-Ossos Smith, in 1987, and was defeated by Evander Holyfield (1989) and George Foreman (1990).
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