
Correio newspaper | Households without the presence of children now account for 4 in every 10 in Bahia, points out IBGE



Households without the presence of children now account for 4 in every 10 in Bahia, points out IBGE

Household composition without children represents 44.5% of Bahian arrangements

  • Foto do(a) author(a) Millena Marques

Published on October 25, 2024 at 8:02 pm

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Illustrative image Credit: Shutterstock

Between 2010 and 2022, households without children were those that grew the most in Bahia. This family profile went from 33% to 44.5% in twelve years, that is, 4 in every ten domestic units do not have children. The data are from the 2022 Census, released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) this Friday (25).

The drop in birth rates is one of the factors that explains this growth, explains the information dissemination supervisor at IBGE in Bahia, Mariana Viveiros. “When we see a very small growth in the state’s population, when we see a decrease in the average number of people living per household, when we see a population projection that will fall from 2035 onwards, all of this has to do with drop in birth rates,” he said.

According to IBGE data, there was a difference of 33.98 thousand births in twelve years. In 2010, 207.66 thousand Bahian babies were recorded. While in 2022, the number was 173.68 thousand. “(These new profiles) show this new family configuration here in the state, imposing itself, growing in importance, as opposed to the more traditional, more conventional one, which is usually a couple with children”, stated Mariana.

Family formations in which there was at least one child are still the majority, with 55.5% of the total. However, they lost share compared to 2010 numbers, when they represented 67% of all formations in the state. In the group of couples with children, the one that lost the most participation was the ‘conventional’ couple with both children: it went from 39.8% to 29.6%.

Arrangements formed by a couple and at least one child of only the responsible person or spouse (which indicate reconstituted families) went from 8.8% of the total to 7%. Only the arrangements formed by the responsible person without a spouse and with child(ren), which include solo mothers, had a very slight gain in participation, from 18.4% to 18.8% of the total in 2022.

Couples without children went from 14.1% to 18.2% of total household compositions. Numerically, this group grew 59.8% in this period, from 579.44 thousand in 2010 to 926 thousand in 2022.

This is the case of the Salvadoran couple Manoel Roque Pereira, aged 56, and Rita Pereira, aged 54. Married for 14 years, the two chose not to have children because Rita had a high risk of pregnancy. “In fact, we have two nephews, who we consider our children. We take care of them, they are here with us, but they don’t live with us”, he said.

The other arrangements, which can be people alone, with another type of kinship relationship or who are not relatives, increased their participation from 18.9% in 2010 to 26.3% in 2022. In Brazil, household arrangements with the presence of Children represented 54.3% of the total, compared to 65.6% in 2010.


In Salvador, other family compositions, which did not involve spouses or children, were predominant in 2022, representing 32.5% of the total domestic units in the capital. Couples with both children came next (23.4% of the total); training as a responsible person without a spouse and with a child came in third place (20.6%); couples without children came next (17.4%), and couple arrangements with at least one child from just one person represented 6.2% of the total.

The Bahian capital therefore totaled 50.2% of domestic units in family compositions with children and 49.8% without children.


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Michelle Williams

I'm Michelle Williams, an enthusiastic author specializing in captivating entertainment content on Rwcglobally.com. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for the latest trends, I aim to engage readers with compelling narratives that reflect the dynamic landscape of the entertainment industry. Join me on Rwcglobally.com to explore the world of film, television, music, and more, as we uncover the stories that define contemporary culture.

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