Horoscope for Tuesday (10/29); see predictions for your sign
Stardate: Waning Moon in Libra.
Published on October 29, 2024 at 05:00
The construction of human destiny depends less on individual quality and strength and much more on the structure of the bonds we build throughout our existence, and on our level of readiness to accept that we are who we are through the group of people we interact with.
At the same time, the human factor is always the ingredient that complicates all the equations we make to guarantee the realization of our intentions and, as a result, to minimize complications we mentally decide to treat people as objects, cogs that serve or hinder our plans, And this is how our civilization goes.
Unfortunately, as long as we continue to insist on the fable of individual salvation that inevitably leads to the destruction of the social group, we will also continue to destroy more than we create and preserve.
ARIES: Everyone has diverse opinions, but all, without exception, present themselves as the superior truth. Meanwhile, your soul will have to continue observing and comparing, to see where all this noise ends up.
TOURO: Although you may not be able to see alternatives, they exist and are available. What’s more, alternatives are offered by people close to you, and it would be wise for you to listen carefully to what they say.
TWINS: There are instruments and resources available to help you achieve your goals, but it is still difficult to gather everything you need. It doesn’t matter, you will see that delays will prove positive if you endure them.
CANCER: While people don’t stop talking, their mind wanders to other galaxies, connecting to visions that seem very distant from current reality, but which, by being appreciated, begin to approach them.
LION: What you want can be done, but in a completely different way than you would think today, because your soul is still stuck in the methods that worked in the past, and this needs to be reformulated.
VIRGIN: The best ideas are now those that can be put into practice as quickly as possible. It doesn’t matter whether they are small or large, what matters is that they are practicable without large resources. That’s it.
LIBRA: The maneuvers that your soul is forced to make on this part of the path are very complex, but if you approach them with a playful spirit, you will not only exorcise your fear but also have a lot of fun with everything that happens.
SCORPIO: Given what happens, it is good to maneuver and avoid setbacks, however, it would be better if these movements were not mere reactions, but the product of minimal planning, given your intentions.
SAGITTARIUS: Observe, compare, plan, observe again, put your planning into practice, observe and compare again. All your movements on this part of the path need to be done carefully and efficiently.
CAPRICORN: People tend to speak more than their mouths can articulate, issuing unfounded opinions, which they consider absolute truths. This can be a source of fun, but also a lot of confusion.
AQUARIUM: From your point of view, life flows and things happen without much effort, but in practice it is rarely like that. However, this posture will be of some use, stimulating the magical side of life, as real as the effort.
FISH: It’s time to plan the future, to mentally launch yourself into the furthest possible future and, here and now, start taking concrete measures so that you don’t just dream, but accomplish something with each passing day.
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