FIAC has six days of theater, circus, dance and performances
Festival starts this Tuesday (22), with a Vogue Funk show, which has free entry
Published on October 22, 2024 at 4:57 pm

Vincent Warin The Man V Credit: Studiomarks
The show Vogue Funk, which will be presented tomorrow in Salvador, was not randomly chosen to open the 15th edition of Fiac – Bahia International Performing Arts Festival (FIAC Bahia). The event’s general director, Felipe de Assis, explains the reason for the choice: “The opening is very symbolic, so we chose a work that is a kind of ‘declaration’ of the Festival’s intentions and challenges. Vogue Funk is a beautiful work that values peripheral cultures. It is made by people from the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, who are very aware of funk and vogue culture.”
Vogue Funk will be presented with free entry at 7pm, at Teatro Experimental, at Escola de Teatro da Ufba, in Canela. One of the members of the production is the dancer Patfudyda, who will share the stage with seven dancers and a DJ. The dancer explains what vogue culture is, which features prominently in the presentation: “It was created by black transvestites in the 1970s, in New York. It was created to celebrate marginalized bodies and involves elements of fashion, theater and dance. It started as a dance where black trans Latin and peripheral bodies were celebrated and ended up establishing itself as a counterculture.”
According to Patfudyda, in Vogue Funk, the Rio passinho meets “ballroom” culture, as vogue is also known. “In Rio, funk dances are created to celebrate peripheral black existence. So, funk and vogue are celebrations of urgent bodies, which seek visibility of artistic power. We imported a culture from the United States and gave it a new meaning, incorporating elements of Brazilian culture, which are Carioca passesinhos and funk”. The soundtrack, created especially for the show, was composed by DJ Yure IDD.
The dancer considers herself a “child” of Vigário Geral, a neighborhood in the North Zone of Rio. An artist since she was a child, she graduated in dance at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and began working as a choreographer in 2018. “Through dance, I discovered places where my body would be celebrated and, in 2022, I was invited to perform in Switzerland, Germany, Canada and other countries”, she celebrates.
In its 14 editions, Fiac has always given space to four scenic events: theater, dance, performance and circus. This year, the circus gained two representatives: Batom de Beterraba, who comes from Chapada Diamantina; and L´Homme V., from France. Felipe de Assis says that Fiac intends to give the circus more and more relevance.
“Batom de Beetroot represents the interior of the state, but is made up of four women from different places, such as Belgium and Italy. And, as they are women, there is a space for debates about gender”, reveals the director of Fiac. This performance will be on the 27th (Sunday), at 5pm, at Teatro Martim Gonçalves, in Canela.
The Frenchman L’Homme V., according to Felipe, uses circus techniques, but also invests in dramaturgy. It’s an acrobatic BMX performance – also known as bicicross – accompanied by live cello. The free presentation will take place at 10am and 4pm outside the Museum of Contemporary Art, with free entry.

Vogue Funk opens the festival Credit: Charles Pereira
In relation to theater plays, Felipe states that in recent years Fiac has prioritized performative theater, which is not concerned with a linear story. An example in the current edition is Museu do Que Somos, which mixes theater, performance and museology, where the public is invited to act as curator of a living exhibition.
“In this type of theater, there is no concern with characters and there is emphasis on elements of the scene, such as lighting, which can be fundamental to telling a story. Museu do Que Somos will be presented at the Museum of Contemporary Art on Thursday (24), at 7pm, with free entry. The 15th edition of Fiac continues until the 27th, with part of the program free and the other part with tickets priced at R$30 (full) and R$15 (half).
15th Bahia International Performing Arts Festival (FIAC Bahia). In various locations, such as the Museum of Contemporary Art (Graça); Ufba Theater School (Canela) and Teatro Gamboa. October 22nd to 27th. Part of the program is free and part has tickets for R$30 | R$ 15. On sale at Sympla.
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