Extraordinary seminar discusses the Social Protection of Military Personnel
The event is scheduled for the XVIII Brazilian Congress of Social Security Law, on the 24th and 25th of October, at the Salvador Convention Center
Published on October 21, 2024 at 11:16 pm

Elba Braga is coordinator of the extraordinary seminar that will feature a simulation of care Credit: Photographer Jotta/Disclosure
Constitutional Amendment No. 103, of November 12, 2019, which reorganizes the Military Police and Military Fire Brigades of the States and the Federal District is the main subject that will be addressed in one of the extraordinary seminars that will take place during the XVIII Brazilian Law Congress Social Security will take place on October 24th and 25th, at the Salvador Convention Center, by Elba Braga, lawyer, legal consultant, mentor and teacher.
She is the coordinator of the extraordinary seminar where the service simulation will be developed, which features names of national jurists and experts, such as: Salomão Boanerges, Germana Pinheiro, Melissa Folmann, Fúlvio Rebouças, José Carlos, Andréia Hamburgo, Álvaro Menezes, Tânia Santos and Helena Wendhausen, among other speakers at general plenary sessions and other extraordinary seminars. The president of the congress is Gisele Lemos Kravchychyn and the scientific director is Maria Fernanda Pinheiro Wirth
“It will be two days of intensive learning and valuable relationships, where you will be able to update yourself and connect with the biggest names in the field. We are proud to announce that Elba Braga Advocacia e Consultoria Jurídica is one of the sponsors of the XVIII Brazilian Congress of Social Security Law. With the support of partners committed to excellence and innovation in Social Security Law, our event promises to be even more enriching for all participants”, says Elba Braga.
Experts from all over Brazil confirmed their presence at the congress. The meeting will be attended by lawyers, professors and researchers in Social Security Law from across the country and is expected to receive 1,800 people.
In addition to the topic related to the social protection of military personnel, which will be covered extensively during the extraordinary seminar, the congress will address other topics relevant to Brazilians today, such as: the various legal aspects regarding social security and labor approaches; the impacts and practical reflections related to Family Law in the lives of Social Security insureds; tax planning for lawyers and law firms; pension planning; the challenges and opportunities in supplementary pensions.
The event, which is aimed at social security professionals across the country and aims to provide training, updating and networking to participants, makes its full program available on the congress website – www.congressoibdp.com.br
Lawyer, legal consultant, mentor and teacher; specialist in Labor Law and Process from the Catholic University of Salvador – UCSAL; specialist in Social Security Law and Practice from the IMADEC Institute; specialist in Public Law from the Bahia Faculty of Law; specialist in Military Law; member of the National Women’s Commission of the Brazilian Association of Lawyers (ABA); member of the National Social Security Commission of the Brazilian Association of Lawyers (ABA); co-author and author of legal articles published on legal websites; creator of the legal event Interdisciplinary Legal Colloquium of Salvador and the Sunset Colóquio (https://institutoemb.com.br/_) and the Institutito Elba Braga Administrative and Social Security Practice; creator of JurisPodMais – legal videocast YouTube channel; president of the Brazilian Academy of Military Sciences; coordinator of the RPPS and SPSM Postgraduate Program at Mastejus; Deputy Director of Public Servants’ Pensions at the Brazilian Institute of Social Security Law – IBDP; president of the ABA-Bahia Military Law Commission.
XVIII Brazilian Congress of Social Security Law
Day: 24th (Thursday) and 25th (Friday) October 2024
Opening hours: 8am to 7:30pm.
Location: Salvador Convention Center
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