Bolsonaro also fell in the Alvorada bathroom, which was adapted to be less slippery
Accident happened in 2020
Published on October 22, 2024 at 08:43

Alvorada Palace Credit: Isac Nóbrega/PR
President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) was not the only head of the Executive who suffered a domestic accident in the bathroom of the Palácio da Alvorada. Like the PT member, former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) also suffered a fall in the room in 2020, needing to be hospitalized.
The domestic accident occurred on December 23, the day before Christmas. The former president slipped in the bathroom and hit his head on the marble floor and spent the night at the Hospital das Forças Armadas, in Brasília.
The following day he was discharged and gave an interview to presenter José Luiz Datena, who was recently the PSDB candidate for Mayor of São Paulo. In the conversation, Bolsonaro said that the fall caused a sudden loss of memory.
“It’s that story… You get old and go back to being a child. I really slipped up, and it was a bit bad. I lost my memory, but thank God, everything is peaceful,” said the president.
After the accident, the government ordered changes to the bathroom to ensure his and former first lady Michelle Bolsonaro’s safety. Safety bars and non-slip mats were placed in the room.
Bolsonaro also changed the maintenance of the marble floor, used in the Alvorada bathroom. Traditionally, workers use wax to keep the material from becoming porous. The former president decided to suspend its use to avoid further falls.
Estadão/Broadcast sought out Palácio do Planalto to ask whether the changes made by Bolsonaro still remain, but received no response.
Lula fell and hit his head this Saturday, the 19th, and was admitted to the Sírio-Libanês Hospital in Brasília. The medical center confirmed that he suffered a cut and bruised injury to the back of his head.
In an interview with GloboNews, cardiologist Roberto Kalil Filho, one of the doctors accompanying the president, said that the trauma was “important” and caused a small cerebral hemorrhage and, therefore, the president needs to be under observation.
In conversation with the PT candidate for mayor of Camaçari (BA) Luiz Carlos Caetano, who released a video on social media this Monday, 21st, Lula said that the fall was “serious”. The PT member also stated that doctors will know the “damage” of the injury in three or four days.
“I had an accident here, but my mistake. It was serious, but it didn’t affect any more delicate parts. I’m taking care of it, because anything in the head is very strong, right? So, I’m waiting because the doctors said I have We have to wait three or four days for them to know what damage the raid caused,” Lula told the PT candidate in Camaçari.
This Monday, Lula published a photo on X (formerly Twitter) in a meeting with the Minister of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha, and the special advisor to the Presidency for International Affairs, Celso Amorim. In the image, the president appears smiling and physically well.
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