Belo will host a cruise with pagodeiros only
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Published on October 24, 2024 at 07:37
From the 9th to the 12th of December, Belo will host a “Belo Em Alto Mar” cruise with the participation of pagodeiros only. On board a floating city, the MSC Seaview, known as Gigante dos Mares, the singer who will be the host will receive Grupo Soweto, Thiaguinho, Ludmilla, Pixote, Ferrugem, Turma do Pagode, Jeito Moleque, Grupo Puro Clima and Dj FB.
LGBTQIAPN + public will have an exclusive party at Camarote Ondina
Camarote Ondina, which made its debut at Carnival this year and was a success, is confirmed for 2025 with great attractions. However, there is something new. On Tuesday the space will be occupied by the Guapo party aimed at the LGBTQIAPN + public. Another achievement for these happy and fun people who just want to be happy. Camarote’s program will feature on Friday, Timbalada, Alexandre Peixe and Faustão, on Saturday Filhos de Jorge and Scandurras, Domingo, Jau and Olodum and on Monday, Rogerinho and Lincoln. Just a reminder: Camarote Ondina operates at the Hotel Atlantic Tower on the Dodô circuit that encompasses the neighborhoods of Barra and Ondina.

A flash of the Guapo Festival in Canada Credit: Disclosure
Bloco As Muquiranas promises to do well in Carnival 2025
Already preparing for Carnival 2025, when 40 years of the scene will be celebrated, Bloco Muquiranas will hold the Muquiencontro party exclusively for revelers who are registered members. It will be on December 8th at 2pm, at fno Cais Dourado, in Comércio and will have shows by Alex Maxx, Xella, Alisson Barros, Rubynho, Miller and Pagode do Segredo.
Anyone wishing to go to the event can simply go to the block’s headquarters, starting on November 4th, with their identification document (RG). If you confirm your registration, you are entitled to your ticket and that of four other people. In addition, the event will be offering a ticket to all followers of the block’s official Instagram (@asmuquiranasoficial. During Carnival, the Block will parade with the theme ‘As Muquiranas e os Encantos da Bahia’ on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday on the Osmar Macedo circuit ( Campo Grande – Avenida) La Fúria, Tony Salles and Psirico

Muqiencontro attractions Credit: Disclosure
Durval Lelys opens the season of major summer events
One of the most beloved artists in Bahian music, Durval Lélys anticipates the season of major summer events. On Saturday, October 26th, from 3pm, he will lead “Pé na Areia Mali”. The party will be in Mali, located on Avenida Tancredo Neves and will refer to the great events immortalized by Durval such as Trivela and its Carnival blocks. “It will definitely be an edition to go down in history. We will have one of the biggest names in Carnival and music in Bahia, for an event that will officially anticipate the opening of the summer”, says Guto Ulm, from 2GB Entretenimento, responsible for the organization.

Durval Lélys Credit: Disclosure
1 – Officially, the hammer has not yet been dropped by Salvador City Hall. But behind the scenes the big bet is that the theme of Carnival 2025 will honor 40 years of the axé scene. Nothing fairer. After all, ever since Luiz Caldas exploded throughout Brazil with the song Fricote (his and the late Paulinho de Camafeu) released on the album Magia, Brazil and the world got to know Bahian swing.

Salvador Carnival Credit: Cleber Santos/Disclosure
2 – Léo Santana, who will do the countdown at the Virada Salvador Festival, was confirmed as the official attraction of the second edition of Te Vejo no Pagode. The event takes place on November 9th, at Vila Jardim dos Outubro. With Renanzinho CBX as the great host, the party promises 10 straight hours of music in addition to full shows by Pagode do Boca and Luís and Renanzinho himself

Léo Santana and Renanzinho Credit: Disclosure
3 – Singer Jau’s show will close the schedule of the second day of the Made in Bahia Business Summit, which takes place on October 30th and 31st, at Armazém Convention, in Parque Shopping, in Lauro de Freitas. The artist, who recently released the song “Mulher Nação”, will bring his mix of Afro-pop-Bahian to the closing happy hour of the event, which will feature several other experiences from sponsoring brands.

Already Credit: Disclosure
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