
Correio newspaper | Bahian companies have until the 5th to join Refis ICMS and receive a discount of up to 95%



Bahian companies have until the 5th to join Refis ICMS and receive a discount of up to 95%

Program allows companies with outstanding debts with Sefaz to settle their outstanding debts

  • Photo of the author From the Editor

Published on October 23, 2024 at 10:28 pm

Public debt

Public debt Credit: José Cruz/ Agência Brasil

The deadline for adhesion to the tax regularization program, Refis ICMS Bahia 2024, ends on November 4th, in 13 days. Refis offers discounts of up to 95% on fines for infractions and late payment increases for taxpayers who regularize tax debts. Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS).

The objective of the program is to allow companies with debts owed to the State Finance Department (Sefaz-BA) to settle their outstanding debts, regularizing debts relating to triggering events occurring up to December 31, 2023.

“The main objective of Refis is to give an opportunity to those taxpayers who are in difficulty, with some default”, highlighted at the time the program was launched, the Secretary of Finance, Manoel Vitório. “This Refis has a different characteristic, because it also covers those taxpayers who are in judicial recovery, with a view to a predictable, organized, partner business environment as far as possible, so that the ventures that are here in Bahia are strengthened and bear fruit. ”.


Refis offers additional advantages for those who choose to pay in cash. In the case of installments, the discounts vary depending on the number of installments, decreasing, reaching 90% for payments in up to 12 installments and 85% between 13 and 24 installments.

Companies undergoing judicial recovery or declared bankruptcy can also join the program, with specific conditions that allow payment in up to 120 installments, with discounts ranging from 75% to 90%, depending on the number of installments.

Taxpayers should not send invoices or collection documents by email. Interested companies must issue the State Collection Document (DAE) directly on the agency’s website. In case of doubt, companies can use the Electronic Tax Domicile (DT-e), a virtual address maintained by Sefaz-BA.


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Michelle Williams

I'm Michelle Williams, an enthusiastic author specializing in captivating entertainment content on Rwcglobally.com. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for the latest trends, I aim to engage readers with compelling narratives that reflect the dynamic landscape of the entertainment industry. Join me on Rwcglobally.com to explore the world of film, television, music, and more, as we uncover the stories that define contemporary culture.

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