Another 280 vacancies are for store operators
Americanas has 399 temporary vacancies open to work at year-end events, such as Black Friday and Christmas, in 48 cities in Bahia. Interested parties can apply for positions via the website.
The company is looking for people aged 18 and over and have completed high school. The opportunities do not require experience and are for the positions of logistics and forklift operator, logistics assistant and store operator.
In total, there are 284 vacancies for store operators, in the cities of Juazeiro, Salvador, Luis Eduardo Magalhães, Itabuna, Barreiras, Ilhéus, Candeias, Senhor do Bonfim, Irecê, Jacobina, Itaberaba, Santo Amaro, Seabra, Ipirá, Ibotirama, Bom Jesus da Lapa, Campo Formoso, Cachoeira, Valença, Santo Antonio de Jesus, Lauro de Freitas, Teixeira de Freitas, Eunápolis, Jequié, Itamaraju, Cruz das Almas, Brumado, Jaguaquara, Porto Seguro, Ipiaú, Livramento Nossa Senhora, Gandu, Feira of Santana, Vitória da Conquista, Alagoinhas, Conceição do Coité, Serrinha, Santo Estevão, Catu, Itaparica, Nova Pojuca, Conceição do Jacuípe, Simões Filho, Camaçari, Paulo Afonso, Ribeira do Pombal, Dias D’ávila and Euclides da Cunha.
“Americanas is a reference on important retail dates and we understand that we need to reinforce the operation to guarantee the best service for our millions of customers. In addition to boosting the economy through job creation, temporary vacancies are a gateway for people looking for a replacement in the job market and even an opportunity for their first job”, says Eduardo Noronha, vice-president of People & Management at Americans.
The selection process takes place online and in person. The salary amount was not disclosed. Contractors will be entitled to benefits such as meal vouchers or on-site meals, transportation vouchers, life insurance, and access to Americanas Educa – the company’s Education platform.
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