
Correio newspaper | After the school attack, there is still no deadline for the return of classes in Heliópolis



After the school attack, there is still no deadline for the return of classes in Heliópolis

Surviving students will receive specialized care from Monday (21)

  • Photo by author(s) One Polcri

Published on October 20, 2024 at 5:59 pm

Dom Pedro I Municipal College, in Heliópolis

Dom Pedro I Municipal College, in Heliópolis Credit: Disclosure

A city of just over 12 thousand inhabitants that received the attention of the entire country after a tragic episode of violence. In Heliópolis, in the northeast of Bahia, the atmosphere is still one of mourning and consternation following the attack on the village of Serra dos Correias, last Friday (18). Four teenagers died after one of them firing a firearm inside a municipal school. There is still no deadline for the return of classes in the village of around 1,000 residents.

In addition to the four students who died, five others were in the classroom at the Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil e Ensino Fundamental D Pedro I when the massacre took place. They will begin receiving specialized care from Monday (21), according to prosecutor Alison Andrade, who works in Heliópolis after the attack. Integrated reception work is being carried out in the city, with the participation of the Public Ministry of the State of Bahia (MP-BA).

“A team made up of psychologists, educational psychologists and social workers is on the road and will be ready so that tomorrow, early in the morning, we can start working to assist the surviving teenagers”, says the prosecutor. Alison Andrade explains that action is important to avoid future episodes resulting from the trauma experienced.

“No matter how much they [alunos] tell and family members understand that everything is ok, there may be side effects that go unnoticed. Due to lack of interest or understanding, families may let this pass and generate subsequent situations. These people need to be accompanied”, says the prosecutor, who believes that reception should be done as soon as possible.

On Friday afternoon (18), a 14-year-old student entered the municipal school and shot three classmates, who died. The victims were Jonathan Gama dos Santos, Adriele Vitória Silva Ferreira and Fernanda Sousa Gama – all 14 years old. The bodies of the young people were veiled in family homes. The shooter took his own life shortly afterwards. To the crime motivations are being investigated by the police.

Prosecutor Alison Andrade states that there is still no deadline for classes to return. On the day of the incident, Governor Jerônimo Rodrigues (PT) decreed three days of mourning in the state. In situations of this type, it is common for the educational institution to be reopened to welcome employees, initially, and only then for the return of students.

“There is no way to determine when classes will return and how this will happen. What we can guarantee is that, starting tomorrow (21), we will meet to jointly decide on solutions. Students cannot miss classes, after all, it is the end of the year”, explained the prosecutor.

Alison Andrade said that she will propose to the Heliópolis Education Department that a digital education subject be included in the city’s schools. The study is part of the curriculum of schools in the city of Sobradinho, for example.

“The project intends to include, in the municipality’s education, the mandatory study of technology and how to behave on social networks. We deal with cyberbullying, stereotypes, information security, among other things”, he details. “We still don’t have the motivation for the crime, but, from other incidents of this type, we know that they are usually related to new technologies”, adds the prosecutor.

In September 2022, a case similar to the one that occurred in Heliópolis was registered in Barreirasin western Bahia. A 14-year-old student broke into a school and shot his classmates. Student Geane da Silva Brito, who was 14 years old and used a wheelchair, died in the action.


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Michelle Williams

I'm Michelle Williams, an enthusiastic author specializing in captivating entertainment content on Rwcglobally.com. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for the latest trends, I aim to engage readers with compelling narratives that reflect the dynamic landscape of the entertainment industry. Join me on Rwcglobally.com to explore the world of film, television, music, and more, as we uncover the stories that define contemporary culture.

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