
Correio newspaper | After state government cuts, IGHB crowdfunds to keep operating



After state government cuts, IGHB crowdfunds to keep operating

Funding of R$700,000 from the Geographic and Historical Institute of Bahia was cut this year

  • Photo by author(s) One Polcri

Published on October 23, 2024 at 09:47

Geographic and Historical Institute of Bahia

Geographic and Historical Institute of Bahia Credit: Disclosure

In March of this year, the state ministry cut the funding allocated to the institute, despite Law No. 6,575/1994 guaranteeing the transfer of the resource. Secult-BA points to “harmony with state policy” as the institution’s worst criterion, which the institute sees as political retaliation. On September 9, the IGHB filed a writ of mandamus against the measure.

The Court gave 30 days for the parties to express their decision on the administrative process. The deadline has already been completed, according to Ricardo Nogueira, lawyer representing IGHB. “The government’s deadline is ending. So, it must go back to the reporting judge to decide the case. We are evaluating taking it to the Public Ministry to investigate whether the acts carried out by Secult constitute administrative improbity”, he says.

To keep its accounts up to date after the cut, IGHB counts on the support of society. Through sitethe campaign accepts donations of any amount. There is also an option for monthly collaboration to help defray the costs of maintaining the collection. The institute, which was founded in 1894, receives, on average, 1,000 visitors per month, according to the president.

Secult-BA denies that the equipment is the target of political persecution, and says that it has “supported, in a democratic and plural way, cultural institutions that guarantee the safeguarding of memory and art in Bahia”. The ministry states that the institute was covered, between 2009 and April 2024, by the Notice of Support for Continuous Actions of Cultural Institutions.

“In this year’s competition, IGHB had its proposal classified as an alternate after a technical evaluation by the Evaluation Committee, which followed the scoring criteria described in the notice”, explains the ministry.

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Michelle Williams

I'm Michelle Williams, an enthusiastic author specializing in captivating entertainment content on Rwcglobally.com. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for the latest trends, I aim to engage readers with compelling narratives that reflect the dynamic landscape of the entertainment industry. Join me on Rwcglobally.com to explore the world of film, television, music, and more, as we uncover the stories that define contemporary culture.

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