After school massacre, classes in the municipal network of Heliópolis will resume next Tuesday
Activities will be carried out to welcome and listen to students and teachers
Published on October 25, 2024 at 07:59
Dom Pedro I Municipal School, in Heliópolis Credit: Joá Souza/GOVBA
Classes in the municipal network in the city of Heliópolis, in the North of Bahia, will resume next Tuesday (29). Activities had been suspended since last Friday (18), after an attack inside the Dom Pedro I School, which left four students dead.
Teams from the Ministry of Education (MEC), the State Department of Education (SEC) and Heliópolis City Hall work together to provide assistance to the school community and the families involved. Classes at Escola Dom Pedro I are not yet scheduled to resume.
In this first moment of resumption, activities will be carried out to welcome and listen to students and teachers. A multidisciplinary team from the SEC and the State Health Department (Sesab), made up of Psychology and Social Service professionals, is also working in the municipality.
“We will study together, especially with the community, how the resumption of schools will take place in a safe and sensitive way to the moment the community is going through. Then, we will have other challenges, such as dealing with the medium and long-term effects of grief reactions, reactions to stress and, mainly, with the consequences in terms of mental health”, explains Sarah Vieira, coordinator of the Response and Reconstruction of MEC School Units (NRRUE).
The MEC and SEC teams participated in a meeting, on Wednesday, at the Municipal Department of Education, where the activities are concentrated. Representatives of the Municipal Power were present; the Guardianship Council; the Municipal Public Servants Union; the Municipal Education Council; Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA); the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS); of the Territorial Education Center 17 and the State Department of Education, to outline practical and coherent strategies in the face of this moment.
A 14-year-old teenager was in the classroom following an Arts class at the Municipal School of Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education D Pedro I when he took a revolver out of his backpack and started shooting. Witnesses reported to the school management that he initially did not appear to have a specific target, shooting at everyone.
In addition to the teacher, nine students were in the room – one student is on maternity leave. “They were doing an activity and suddenly he took the gun out of his bag and started shooting in the air, and then all the terror began,” said director Jinelma Maria dos Santos.
Some of the students managed to escape. Three were shot and died at the scene. The shooter shot himself in the classroom and also died. The victims were identified as Adriele Vitoria Silva Ferreira, Fernanda Sousa Gama and Jonathan Gama dos Santos, all 15 years old.
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