Academia de Letras da Bahia holds 1st Myriam Fraga Conference in November
Poet would turn 87 next month
Published on October 23, 2024 at 10:29 am

Myriam Fraga receives tribute in November Credit: Disclosure
The Academy of Letters of Bahia (ALB) announced the holding of the 1st Myriam Fraga Conference, in honor of the journalist, poet and immortal. The iyalorixá, poet and teacher Lívia Natália will give the tribute.
The date was also set: November 12, the month in which Myriam Fraga would turn 87 years old – the writer was born on November 9, 1937. The theme of the lecture will be ‘Lady-poetry: the perennial voice of the word’.
Associate professor of Literature Theory at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Lívia Natália has a poetic justification for the title: “Based on the translation of her name, which has Hebrew origin, I discover that Myriam means ‘Lady’, and I arrive at fundamental idea of taking poetry, the great lady who led and built the honoree’s life, with the aim of capturing this poetic matrix in contemporary voices that redesign themes that circulate in Myriam Fraga’s poetry”, says she, who in 2017 won the APCA Award for Best Poetry Book, for ‘A beautiful day to rain’ (Ed. Malê).
The Myriam Fraga Conference will take place on November 12th, at 7pm, at the ALB headquarters, and will be led by president Ordep Serra. He says that the event is based on common practices in cultural institutions in Europe and the USA, when they pay tribute to prominent people in their field of activity.
“Myriam Fraga is a renowned poet, much loved, not only in Bahia, but throughout Brazil, who left a wonderful work. He certainly deserves this honor. This time, we chose a poet from Bahia to deliver the 1st Myriam Fraga Conference, with a free theme, as is customary in these cases. It has a relatively free theme, because it must be related to the things that interested our dear and missed Myriam. It will be a very good opportunity to remember the poet through the voice of another poet, who will deal with subjects that are dear to both of them, poetry, art, in short. We hope that lovers of poetry and the arts will attend”, highlights the professor and anthropologist.
Unanimously elected member of the institution in 1985, Myriam Fraga occupied Chair 13. In 2015 she was vice-president of the ALB. With poems translated into English, Spanish, French and German, she participated in several anthologies in Brazil and abroad, being one of the most important representatives of Bahian literature.
Occupier of the Chair that belonged to the Bahian poet, Academic Edilene Dias Matos states that there could not be a more appropriate tribute: “The Academy of Letters of Bahia, by establishing its first chair named after Myriam Fraga, ratifies the relevance of the poet, writer and Academic as a model of perpetuated and permanently reenacted voice. Even without a signature, Myriam’s voice continues to bear her mark. In the voices of the performers, it is still their voice that is heard, it is still their timbre that resonates, echoing brightly in the Academy and everywhere. Very welcome to the Myriam Fraga Chair.”
Daughter of the writer who passed away in 2016, Angela Fraga celebrates the tribute: “I think it is very fair to celebrate the memory and strength of Myriam Fraga’s poetry in the space of the Academia de Letras da Bahia, a House that was so significant to her. For me, participating in initiatives like this is, first and foremost, a true mission. I intend to always contribute to the perpetuation and dissemination of his work”, highlights the president of the Casa de Jorge Amado Foundation, an institution that was also run by his mother.
Myriam Fraga Conference – ‘Lady-poetry: the perennial voice of the word’, with teacher, writer and ialorixá Lívia Natália
Date: November 12th, Tuesday, 5pm
Location: Palacete Góes Calmon – Av. Joana Angélica, 198, Nazaré
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