Abstention is close to the total number of absent voters in the pandemic
The Electoral Court recorded in the second round of municipal elections this Sunday (27) the absence of 29.26% of the electorate, across the country
Published on October 28, 2024 at 9:10 pm
Elections Credit: Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil
Voter abstention in the second round of municipal elections was close to the level recorded during the restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Electoral Court recorded this Sunday (27), across the country, the absence of 29.26% of the electorate. The percentage is equivalent to 9.9 million voters who did not go to the polls. The number of absentees was consolidated this Monday (28) by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE).
.In 2020, during the Covid pandemic, abstention in the second round was 29.53%. In the 2022 presidential elections, abstention in the second round was 20.57%.
The high abstention rate in the second round was recorded mainly in capitals in the South and Southeast regions of the country.
The highest abstention among the capitals was recorded in Porto Alegre, where the rate reached 34.83%, that is, 381,965 voters did not go to vote in the capital of Rio Grande do Sul.
Next, the following capitals appear in the ranking: Goiânia (34.20%); Belo Horizonte (31.95%); São Paulo (31.54%) and Curitiba (30.37%). In the capital of São Paulo alone, abstention meant the absence of 2.9 million voters.
In Rio Grande do Sul, the high abstention rate also affected the municipalities that were affected by the floods that inundated a large part of the state in May this year.
In some cities, electronic voting machines and voting locations were damaged during the calamity. Furthermore, residents who lost their homes went to live in other municipalities and did not regularize their voter registration.
In Canoas, 35.72% of voters did not go to the polls. In Caxias do Sul, the percentage of absentees was 28.64%.
In the assessment of the president of the Regional Electoral Court (TRE) of Rio Grande do Sul, Voltaire de Lima Moraes, abstention in the state was lower than the body projected.
“We need to analyze this issue related to abstention in greater depth, especially in some cities. In others, we had a decrease in abstention, taking into account the 2016, 2020 and 2024 elections. In 2016, there was no problem with flooding, nor a pandemic, and these cities managed to reduce it. We have to check why this happened”, he commented.
This Sunday (27), when releasing the balance of the second round, the president of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), minister Cármen Lúcia, also said that she will evaluate the phenomenon of increased abstentions.
According to the minister, a survey will be carried out in the regional electoral courts and finalized until the diploma of the elected mayors and councilors, which will take place in December this year.
Voters who did not vote in the second round have until January 7, 2025 to justify their absence. The deadline is 60 days after the claim.
The Electoral Court recommends that the justification be made preferably through the e-Título application (App).
The App can be downloaded for free from Apple and Android online stores. When accessing the e-Título, the citizen must fill in the requested data and send the justification. The voter must also pay the fine stipulated for absence from voting shifts. Each shift is equivalent to a R$3.51 fine.
Voters who do not vote and fail to justify their absence three times in a row may have their voter registration suspended or cancelled.
The absence creates several difficulties, such as being prevented from obtaining a passport, enrolling in public schools and universities and taking up public office after being approved in a public examination.
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