Edicase Brazil
7 equipment and care items for animals with disabilities
See how it is possible to guarantee the health and quality of life of these animals in the correct way
Published on October 25, 2024 at 2:23 pm
With some adaptations, pets with disabilities can have a better quality of life. Credit: Image: Liukov | Shutterstock
Whether due to physical, motor, hearing or even visual problems, an animal can be born or acquire certain disabilities throughout its life, but this does not prevent you from having a pet. The fact is, with some adaptations, they can have quality of life and spread love to their owners – although there is still a lot of prejudice or misinformation when dealing with them.
According to the care booklet for pets with disabilities, from Instituto Cão de Rodinhas, which in its 2nd edition has new chapters in collaboration with Petlove – Love que Transforma project, there are some signs that may indicate a deficiency in the animal:
- Difficulty walking, running, climbing stairs, maintaining balance or limping;
- Lack of reaction to sounds, such as failing to respond when called or when someone arrives;
- Bumping into objects, difficulty finding people, food or water;
- Disorientation, sudden changes in behavior, eating or sleeping habits, loss of skills you already had or urinary incontinence.
Equipment and care items
Regarding equipment, Pedro Risolia, veterinarian at Petlove, explains that, in general, all cases of animal deficiency must be evaluated, recommended and monitored by a professional. “Before purchasing any equipment for your disabled pet, consult a veterinarian to understand the need and avoid inadequacies”, he highlights.
Below, check out some equipment and items that can be used by animals – depending on the type of disability:
1. Wheelchair
Generally, owners of pets with some paraplegia or less mobility, when not guided correctly, believe that the wheelchair should be used all day. However, this is one of the myths that the Instituto Cão de Rodinhas booklet breaks with the correct information and guidance.
For safety, the equipment must be used for a maximum of 40 minutes at a time and always under the supervision of the owner. It is an exercise equipment that helps the pet to expend energy, play with other animals more quickly, keep the spine in a stationary position (anatomical position of 4 supports) for a few moments during the day, in addition to helping with physiotherapy.
According to the booklet, a wheelchair for animal use must be approved by a veterinarian and must be custom-made for the pet. In these cases, most of the time, the pet must have a protective drag bag, and attention must be paid to preventing wounds, in order to avoid infections.
An animal with physical disabilities, after a veterinary evaluation, may need a prosthesis, which replaces the missing body part, or an orthosis, which helps the limb to perform its function, not requiring the famous wheelchair.
The diaper can be recommended for animals with paralysis Credit: Image: moonmovie | Shutterstock
2. Diapers
According to the Instituto Cão de Rodinhas booklet, dogs and cats with paralysis may not be able to control their urine and may show signs of incontinence, requiring the use of diapers. In general, changing should be done around four or five times a day, to avoid diaper rash and infections, which may vary depending on the animal’s needs.
Cleaning the pet’s intimate area should be done with a wet wipe or even an antiseptic, to avoid the accumulation of bacteria in the area. Bladder emptying must be done completely, at least three to four times a day, depending on the volume of urinary production of each animal.
3. Harness for visually impaired dogs
According to Petlove’s veterinarian, Pedro Risolia, in relation to dogs with visual impairments, a specific harness can be used, facilitating the animal’s movement. “The item can protect the head from friction and accidents, reducing the risk of injuries”, he highlights.
4. Balancing Platforms
Pedro Risolia states that platforms can be beneficial for physical activities. There are products such as training platforms, balls, supports and specific discs for the animal’s balance. This category, more focused on balance, can help with physical conditioning, building muscles, improving coordination and promoting strength, and can also be useful in the animal rehabilitation process.
5. Pelvic support
Petlove’s veterinarian explains that the product helps the pet with its mobility, as it relieves pressure on the hind legs and joints, distributing the weight across the hips and abdomen. “Its use is recommended to assist in activities such as getting up, walking and climbing stairs”, he adds.
6. Limb Protector
Pedro Risolia describes that the accessory is recommended to protect dressings, splints, wounds, and can even be useful post-surgery. The protector prevents the animal from accessing the sensitive area, preventing licking and scratching that could aggravate the injury.
Physiotherapy can help improve mobility in animals with certain types of disabilities Credit: Image: Gerain0812 | Shutterstock
7. Physiotherapy
According to the manual from Instituto Cão de Rodinhas and Petlove, physiotherapy is one of the most effective methods to help animals improve mobility, prevent compensation pain, strengthen muscles and reduce atrophy. Furthermore, physiotherapy stimulates blood circulation, helping with injury recovery and healing.
The service can bring a series of benefits such as maintaining muscle mass; improvement in joint range of motion; joint preservation; improved coordination and balance; return to locomotion in reversible injuries; maintaining quality of life for animals with irreversible injuries; pain control, decreased inflammation, accelerated tissue repair; improvement of proprioception – body awareness and minimization of neurological sequelae.
Importance of balanced diet
The booklet proposes that quality and balanced nutrition is essential for animals with disabilities, and that it is possible to treat and prevent various clinical conditions through it. A balanced diet and attention to quantities can provide a longer and happier life, in addition to preventing the development of conditions that can harm the animals’ clinical condition.
The veterinary content added by Petlove as a collaboration for the Instituto Cão de Rodinhas material presents the idea that pets with disabilities may have a more fragile immune system or need a greater supply of some nutrients. This can be due to several reasons, depending on the type of deficiency, requiring a veterinary recommendation to set up or adjust the diet.
“You should consult a professional to put together a food plan, as several aspects must be taken into account, such as species, breed, age, size, disability and even individualities”, reinforces the Petlove veterinarian.
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