Edicase Brazil
6 practical recipes to celebrate Pasta Day
See how to prepare delicious, different and extremely easy pasta in just a few steps
Published on October 25, 2024 at 1:23 pm
Pasta with garlic and oil Credit: Image: Brent Hofacker | Shutterstock
Did you know that pasta is an excellent option for those who live alone and don’t have the time or patience to cook? Just cook the pasta in boiling water, drain and add some type of sauce – to make it even tastier. To celebrate National Pasta Day, on October 25th, check out some recipes that will make you ditch instant noodles!
Pasta with garlic and oil
By sommelier and gastronome Helder Silveira
- 200 g spaghetti noodles
- 3 cloves of garlic, chopped
- Chopped parsley and chives, olive oil, salt and ground black pepper to taste
- Water
Preparation mode
In a large pan, add water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add a tablespoon of salt. Then place the pasta in the water and cook for 8 minutes. In a frying pan, heat the olive oil over low heat and add the garlic, salt and black pepper. Fry for 5 minutes, stirring well. Drain the cooked pasta. Afterwards, mix it with the garlic and oil. Sprinkle the parsley and chives on top. Serve immediately.
Tip: pasta with garlic and oil always works. It is very easy to make and still delicious. Simple and easy.
Pasta with pepperoni
By sommelier and gastronome Helder Silveira
- 200 g of screw pasta
- 300 ml of boiling water
- 1 pepperoni cut into slices
- 1 chopped onion
- 3 cloves of garlic, chopped
- 300 g tomato sauce
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- Salt, ground black pepper and oregano to taste
Preparation mode
In a large pan, add the olive oil and heat over low heat. Add the garlic, onion and pepperoni and sauté. Then, add the tomato sauce, oregano, salt and black pepper. Then add the pasta to the mixture. Add boiling water, cover the pan and cook, stirring occasionally. After boiling, keep on low heat. Once the pasta is al dente it is ready to serve.
Tip: this recipe is perfect for speeding up your daily meals and still guaranteeing a full plate. It is very simple and delicious, as it combines pasta with a side of Calabrian sausage.
Macaroni and cheese Credit: Image: Nagy Julia | Shutterstock
Macaroni and cheese
By sommelier and gastronome Helder Silveira
- 250g penne pasta
- Boiling water
- 200 g of cream
- 1 tablespoon cream cheese
- 120g chopped mozzarella cheese
- 1 teaspoon of ready-made seasoning (flavor to taste)
- Grated parmesan cheese, salt and oregano to taste
Preparation mode
In a tall, microwave-safe container, add the pasta and a pinch of salt. Cover with boiling water and mix well. Place in the microwave for 3 minutes. Then add the cream, mozzarella cheese, cottage cheese and seasoning. Mix well. On top, sprinkle with parmesan cheese and oregano. Cover with plastic wrap and make holes. Place back in the microwave for another 5 minutes. Remove the plastic wrap and serve.
Tips: you can serve it with chopped parsley on top.
Microwave is the companion for those who need a quick meal. For variety, you can add other cheeses, such as gorgonzola or parmesan. When serving, grated cheese can give it a good finish.
Pasta with chicken
By sommelier and gastronome Helder Silveira
- 200 g of screw pasta
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- 1 chopped onion
- 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
- 3 peeled tomatoes
- 3 tablespoons tomato sauce
- Chopped green chilli, salt and ground black pepper to taste
- 1 kg cooked and shredded chicken breast
- 1/2 cup of water
- 120 g grated mozzarella cheese
- Water to cook the pasta
White sauce
- 500 ml of milk
- 1 tablespoon of wheat flour
- 1 tablespoon of butter
- Salt and ground black pepper to taste
Preparation mode
In a large pan, add water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add a pinch of salt and pasta. Cook until it is al dente. Drain the pasta, place it in an oven-safe dish and set aside. In a frying pan, add the olive oil and heat over low heat. Add the garlic, onion, peeled tomatoes and tomato sauce. Saute well. Then add the green chilli, add the shredded chicken and stir well. Add water, salt and black pepper. Mix well, turn off the heat and set aside.
In another pan, add the butter and place over low heat to melt. Then add the wheat flour and fry over low heat, always stirring. Pour in the milk and stir well until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Add salt and black pepper to the white sauce and mix.
Place the chicken mixture on top of the noodles and spread well. Pour the white sauce over the top and sprinkle the mozzarella cheese. Bake for 15 minutes at 180°C until the cheese browns. Serve immediately.
Tip: this is almost a typical Sunday lunch dish. You can get much tastier with the chicken pasta au gratin recipe. It’s something practical and you can replace the chicken with ground beef or vegetables. A little secret: serve with a well-seasoned salad.
Pasta in pesto sauce Credit: Image: vanillaechoes | Shutterstock
Pesto pasta
- 250 g spaghetti noodles
- 2 cups of fresh basil leaves
- 1/2 cup of olive oil
- 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
- 50 g of walnuts
- 50 g grated parmesan cheese
- Salt and ground black pepper to taste
- Water
Preparation mode
In a pan, add water and place over medium heat. When it boils, add a tablespoon of salt and the pasta. Cook until al dente. Drain and reserve a cup of cooking water. In a blender or processor, place the basil, olive oil, garlic, walnuts and cheese. Blend until a consistent paste forms. Season with salt and black pepper. If the sauce is too thick, add a little pasta cooking water to adjust the texture. Place the hot pasta in a large bowl and add the pesto sauce. Mix well so that the sauce coats the entire pasta. Serve immediately.
Carbonara pasta
- 200g spaghetti noodles
- 200g bacon in cubes
- 2 eggs
- 1 egg yolk
- 50g grated parmesan cheese
- Salt and ground black pepper to taste
- Water for cooking
Preparation mode
Bring a pan of salted water to a boil and cook the spaghetti until al dente. Reserve some cooking water. In a frying pan, fry the bacon over medium heat until golden and crispy. Turn off the heat and set aside.
In a bowl, beat the 2 whole eggs and the yolk. Add the grated cheese and black pepper. Mix well until a creamy dough forms. Drain the spaghetti and add it to the pan with the bacon. Stir so that the bacon fat coats the dough. Add the egg mixture and stir quickly so that the heat from the pasta cooks the eggs without curdling. If the sauce is too thick, add a little cooking water until it reaches the desired creaminess. Serve immediately with more grated cheese and black pepper on top.
Combining beer and pasta
To accompany the pasta recipes, you can try a good beer. “We need to consider the different types of sauces and possible toppings. When we look at mass, it tends to be more neutral, combining very well with the malts present in beers”, says Helder Silveira.
For pasta in red sauce, you can opt for beers such as amber lager, brown ale and Belgian pale ale. As for the sugo sauce, invest in pale ale or golden ale, as one has a stronger bitterness and the other has more citrus aromas and flavors.
Pasta in white sauce goes well with pilsner or weizen-type wheat beers. Light yellow in color, slightly cloudy, with abundant foam, it has intense aromas and flavors, highlighting fruity esters reminiscent of banana, clove and walnut.
By Henrique Souza and EdiCase Editorial
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