5 prayers for Saint Jude Thaddeus Day
5 prayers for Saint Jude Thaddeus Day
Patron saint of the afflicted and impossible causes, the saint is one of the most popular in Brazil
Published on October 28, 2024 at 07:23
Saint Jude Thaddeus is a reference among devotees for his love and dedication to the Kingdom of God Credit: Image: Immaculate | Shutterstock
The faithful of the Catholic Church celebrate, on October 28th, the Day of Saint Jude Thaddeus, known as the patron saint of the afflicted and impossible causes. One of the most popular saints in Brazil, he was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and, according to biblical scriptures, he was the cousin of the Messiah and brother of James the Minor, sons of Alphaeus and his wife Maria Cléofas, sister of the Virgin Mary.
However, even with the family relationship, the Bible rarely mentions it. He appears in the Gospel of Matthew, in which his choice as Jesus’ apostle is reported, and in John, who narrates the following question from Judas Thaddeus, during Holy Supper, to the Messiah:
“Then Judas (not Iscariot) said: ‘Lord, why will you reveal yourself to us and not to the world?’. Jesus replied: ‘If anyone loves me, he will obey my word. My Father will love him, we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me does not obey my words. These words you are hearing are not mine; They are from my Father who sent me’” (John 14:22-24).
I wish that Christ was loved
From Saint Jude Thaddeus’ questioning of Jesus, it is clear that he had a great desire for the Son of God to be known and loved by the faithful, a desire that the apostle fulfilled through his actions and dedication to serving the Kingdom of God, since, after the ascension of Jesus and receiving the Holy Spirit, he began preaching his faith in the midst of the persecutions of Galilee.
“Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt it necessary to write urging you to contend for the faith once for all entrusted to the saints. […] Although you already know all this, I want to remind you that the Lord delivered a people from Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe” (Jude 1:3:5).
Prayers to Saint Jude Thaddeus
Below, check out 5 prayers to honor and ask for the intercession of Saint Jude Thaddeus:
1. Prayer to obtain grace
Saint Jude Thaddeus, apostle chosen by Christ, I salute and praise you for the fidelity and love with which you fulfilled your mission. Called and sent by Jesus, you are one of the twelve pillars that support the true Church, founded by Christ.
Countless people, imitating your example and helped by your prayer, find the way to the Father, open their hearts to their brothers and sisters and discover the strength to overcome sin and overcome all evil.
I want to imitate you, committing myself to Christ and his Church, through a determined conversion to God and others, especially the poorest. And, thus converted, I will take on the mission of living and announcing the Gospel, as an active member of my community.
I hope, then, to obtain from God the grace that I implore, trusting in your powerful intercession.
(Make a request for the grace to be achieved)
Saint Jude Thaddeus, pray for us! Amen!
Prayers to Saint Jude Thaddeus pray for his intercession in difficult times Credit: Image: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A | Shutterstock
2. Prayer for urgent causes
Saint Judas Thaddeus, Glorious Apostle, Faithful servant and friend of Jesus! The Church honors and invokes you throughout the world as the patron saint of desperate cases and hopeless affairs. Pray for me who am desolate. I beg you, make use of the privilege That you have to bring immediate help, Where help has almost completely disappeared. Assist me in this great need, so that I can receive consolations and assistance from heaven in all my needs, tribulations and sufferings. Saint Jude Thaddeus, I will always remember this great favor And I will never stop praising and honoring you as my special And powerful patron And doing everything in my power To spread your devotion far and wide. Amen! Saint Jude Thaddeus, pray for us.
3. Prayer for mothers
O beloved apostle and martyr of the Lord Jesus, Saint Jude Thaddeus, you were the dear son of Mary of Cleophas and certainly a very esteemed nephew of the Holy Mother of God, Mary Most Holy. From them you received the affection, protection and tenderness that forged in you a humble filial heart and a unique and discreet human sensitivity.
Such great gifts from God the Father in your life opened doors for you so that, by becoming a disciple, and later, an apostle of the Divine Son of God, you evangelized to so many peoples and spread the peace, love and mercy of the Lord, through gestures, words and actions.
You witnessed through martyrdom a love marked by the maternal features of God: selfless dedication, generation of new children in faith, precise teaching of the Lord’s doctrine, meekness and firmness in your way of being.
We ask you today that, in the glory of the holy martyrs, in the choir of the apostles and in the communion of so many holy mothers who are in heaven, you intercede for our mothers here on earth. For mothers who are pregnant, for young mothers, for mothers who suffer from so many adverse situations, for mothers who are “father and mother”, for those who support their families, for those who are marginalized, for those who do not have the minimum conditions of dignity, for those who They suffer with their disoriented children in bad ways, in short, for all mothers, blood and adoptive mothers, grandmothers and godmothers.
Also intercede for all of us, sons and daughters, so that, following your example, we love and care for our mothers with great filial love. We ask you confidently, through our Lord Jesus Christ, our master and Lord, beloved Son of the Father, beloved Son of Mary and Joseph, in the Unity of the Holy Spirit for the Glory of God the Father. Amen.
4. Prayer to find peace
Dear Saint Jude Thaddeus, an apostle full of love and hope, I ask you to intercede for me with the heavenly Father. Give me serenity to face life’s challenges, patience in tribulations and the certainty that I am alone. May the peace of Christ dwell in my heart, even in solitude, so that I can find, within myself, the strength necessary to move forward. May the divine light guide me, even if darkness surrounds me, and that, even without help, I never lose faith. Amen!
5. Prayer of thanks to Saint Jude Thaddeus
Saint Jude Thaddeus, apostle of Christ and glorious martyr, I thank you for your intercession in my life. Through your powerful intercession, I achieved undeserved graces. I continued to intercede for myself and for everyone in distress. With gratitude, I promise to spread your devotion so that others can also find hope. Amen!
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