5 exercises to strengthen and define your glutes
See how to enhance your training at the gym and get better results
Published on October 22, 2024 at 4:00 pm

Some exercises are excellent for defining the glutes Credit: Image: pnarongkul | Shutterstock
Glute training goes far beyond aesthetics, it is essential for health and physical performance. The importance of training this region has been gaining prominence in gyms, being one of the pillars for those looking for muscle definition and physical resistance in their bodybuilding routine.
According to André Felipe, specialist at Bio Ritmo, a high end core fitness brand, correct execution of the exercises is essential. “The secret to good results is progression in intensity and attention to technique”, he says. Below, check out some exercises that can enhance muscle mass gain in the glutes.
1. Squats

Squats are essential for the strength of the glutes, thighs and legs Credit: Image: Mix and Match Studio | Shutterstock
Squats are essential for the strength of the glutes, thighs and legs. To perform it, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, push your hips back, bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and return. Increasing amplitude can improve gluteal action, but this requires more joint mobility and experience with the exercise.
2. Deadlift

The deadlift is an excellent exercise for the back, glutes and leg muscles. Credit: Image: dnlv | Shutterstock
Works the posterior muscles effectively. Position yourself with your feet shoulder-width apart and, when holding the bar, bend your knees, keep your spine straight, lift the bar by extending your hips and knees, and lower yourself in a controlled manner.
3. Bulgarian

The Bulgarian squat is excellent for stability and deep glute activation Credit: Image: Prostock-studio | Shutterstock
Excellent for stability and deep glute activation. Place a bench, step or box behind you, at or slightly below knee height. Place your back foot on the bench. Your front foot should be about 60-90 cm in front of the bench, depending on your mobility and leg length.
Lower yourself slowly, bending the knee of your front leg. The back leg only serves as support and should not carry too much weight. Lower until the thigh of your front leg is parallel to the floor (or as far as your mobility allows). Push with the heel of your front leg to return to the starting position.
4. Pelvic lift

Pelvic lift works the glutes and spine Credit: Image: Stock-Asso | Shutterstock
Focuses on intense contraction of the glutes, promoting strength gains. Lie on your back with your knees bent, raise your hips by contracting your glutes and slowly lower yourself. If your gym has its own equipment, this will make the exercise easier.
5. Abductor chair

The abductor chair works the muscles of the legs and glutes Credit: Image: ZoranOrcik | Shutterstock
Focuses on activating the sides of the glutes. Sit on the machine with your legs on the supports, open them by pushing them outwards and close them in a controlled manner.
Glute training results
The tips were designed to be carried out twice a week, providing a practical and accessible routine. Over a period of 8 weeks, you will be able to observe significant changes in your body, especially in the gluteal region.
“Glute strength is essential for various physical activities, such as running, cycling and weight training. Performing your training can increase sporting performance and resistance, which are essential for trunk and pelvis stability”, adds André Felipe.
Under the supervision of qualified professionals, ensuring the technique is correct and receiving personalized guidance, you will be on your way to a firmer, more toned butt.
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