
Correio newspaper | 4 signs of an unhealthy scalp


4 signs of an unhealthy scalp

4 signs of an unhealthy scalp

See how some care is important to maintain the well-being of your skin and hair health

  • Photo by the author Portal Edicase

Published on October 23, 2024 at 6:36 pm

Lack of scalp care can harm your hair (Image: Nina Buday | Shutterstock)

Lack of scalp care can harm your hair Credit: Image: Nina Buday | Shutterstock

The scalp is a sensitive region and, in some cases, because it is not visible, it does not receive due attention. However, lack of care for this skin, according to Dr. Lilian Brasileiro, member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, can lead to a series of problems.

“There are many factors that contribute to a healthy scalp and we need to pay more attention to this skin, as poor health in this region can cause problems in the hair, such as damage to the cuticle, roughness, inflexibility and breakage and, in the skin itself, itching, dandruff, excess oil and accumulation of waste”, he lists.

According to pharmacist Maria Eugênia Ayres, technical manager at Biotec Dermocosméticos, in addition to the problems caused by lack of care, there is another factor that can also harm the health of the scalp: products not formulated with the correct technology to penetrate it.

“The effectiveness of active absorption may depend on the type of product, its formulation and individual factors, such as the health of a person’s skin and scalp. Therefore, there is an increasing need to use highly bioavailable products that rely on cutting-edge manufacturing technologies”, says the professional.

Scalp structure

The skin of the scalp contains a large number of hair follicles, which create a surface with many different folds and nooks. According to the Association of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the scalp contains about 100,000 of these follicles.

“It is constantly adapting, shedding and growing new skin cells – and its denser nerve network also makes it super responsive to things like temperature, touch and emotional issues. Because of this, the scalp changes quite frequently, which can lead to problems such as hair loss and flaking. When the pH of the scalp fluctuates a lot, the scalp can start to have problems”, explains Dr. Lilian Brasileiro.

Scalp oiliness should also be a concern. “In addition, the sebaceous glands in the scalp produce sebum (oil) to help lubricate this region. When these glands produce less or more sebum, many different problems can start to happen”, highlights the doctor.

Some symptoms may appear when the scalp is not healthy (Image: goodluz | Shutterstock)

Some symptoms may appear when the scalp is not healthy Credit: Image: goodluz | Shutterstock

Signs of scalp problems

Even if your scalp goes unnoticed under your luscious locks, it still needs a lot of care. “A healthy scalp will be free from flakes, irritation, dryness and redness. If you notice any of these below, you may be suffering from scalp health issues. Allergic reactions, stress and even diet can influence”, says the professional.

The main signs of an unhealthy scalp are:

1. Dry, itchy skin

When this occurs, according to Dr. Lilian Brasileiro, the skin becomes irritated and flakes, in the form of white flakes. “This can be caused by anything from extreme weather situations or an allergic reaction or contact dermatitis caused by products you are using (like shampoo, conditioner, gel or hairspray),” says the expert.

2. Dandruff

Unlike dry scalp, dandruff is characterized by white or yellowish skin cells. This happens when the scalp produces too much oil, which causes excess skin cells to build up and then shed.

According to the dermatologist, dandruff can be caused by several factors, including: excess of a fungus called malassezia; not washing your hair often enough; hormones; stress; wash your hair with hot water; and temperature changes.

3. Excess oil and product accumulation

When the scalp is not properly sanitized, product buildup begins to occur around the hair follicles. “This can happen due to excessive use of hair and scalp products (such as dry shampoo, hairspray, and heavy hair oils). It is important to properly clean the scalp so that this accumulation does not cause obstruction of the hair follicles”, explains Dr. Lilian Brasileiro.

4. Flaws and hair loss

If you are noticing hair loss, it is essential to see a doctor to identify the root of the problem. “Hair loss is the result of many different factors, including: genetics, hormonal or dietary changes, medications, temporary illnesses, and even stress. As there are several factors, the doctor will act as a true investigator to discover the cause and recommend treatments”, says the specialist.

Moisturizing the scalp prevents dryness and promotes hair growth (Image: goffkein.pro | Shutterstock)

Moisturizing the scalp prevents dryness and promotes hair growth Credit: Image: goffkein.pro | Shutterstock

Proper scalp care

To keep your scalp healthy and, consequently, your hair looking good, it is important to take some precautions. See below!

1. Scalp hydration

Pharmacist Maria Eugênia explains that hydrating your scalp is an important part of keeping it healthy, especially if your skin in this area is dry, sensitive or has other conditions. “Moisturizing this area promotes: prevention of dryness, promotion of hair growth – as a healthy and hydrated scalp can provide a more favorable environment for hair growth –, minimization of dandruff, reduction of irritation – as moisturizers can help to calm and alleviate this irritation –, balance oiliness”, says the professional.

2. Be careful with your diet

Dr. Lilian Brasileiro explains that scalp care is not just about applying products. “For example, having a healthy diet, with a good supply of micronutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, is important to nourish this region.”

3. Be careful with humidity

Sleeping with wet hair or washing excessively can predispose to problems such as dandruff. “Try, whenever you wash your hair, to dry it, as natural drying takes time, and can take up to 24 hours, and this prolonged humidity is the ideal environment for the proliferation of fungi, such as those that cause dandruff”, says the dermatologist . “Make sure you wash your hair whenever necessary and avoid hot water,” he adds.

4. Be careful with the sun

Solar radiation can affect the scalp, causing redness, burns, blemishes, rough texture and even skin cancer, according to Dr. Lilian Brasileiro. “If you plan to be exposed to the sun for a long period of time, wear a hat or sunscreen to protect your scalp,” he highlights.

5. Use moisturizing substances

Maria Eugênia recommends the use of the active ingredient Hyaxel, which, according to her, is a low molecular weight hyaluronic acid vectorized by the silanol molecule. “It has high bioavailability and, in addition, reduces the harmful effects of cortisol on the skin and scalp”, he explains.

Another molecule that can help scalp health is Hydra.Sil. “It is a D-Panthenol molecule vectored by silanol, which makes it a highly bioavailable active ingredient for the skin and scalp”, says the pharmacist.

By Maria Claudia Amoroso


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Michelle Williams

I'm Michelle Williams, an enthusiastic author specializing in captivating entertainment content on Rwcglobally.com. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for the latest trends, I aim to engage readers with compelling narratives that reflect the dynamic landscape of the entertainment industry. Join me on Rwcglobally.com to explore the world of film, television, music, and more, as we uncover the stories that define contemporary culture.

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