29% of users aged 9 to 17 have experienced offensive situations that they didn’t like or upset on the internet
Baianos report cases of offenses and virtual bullying
Published on October 24, 2024 at 06:30

29% of internet users aged 9 to 17 have experienced offensive situations that they didn’t like or upset them online Credit: Shutterstock
The fact that children and teenagers are increasingly connected via the internet is nothing new, but this connection has not always been secure. A survey showed that only 8% of those responsible believe that the child or teenager has experienced some uncomfortable situation on the web, but the minors’ version reveals another reality: 29% of users aged 9 to 17 have experienced offensive situations, which they didn’t like or upset them. in the virtual environment. The data comes from TIC Kids Online Brasil, an annual survey created to generate evidence on the use of the web by minors in the country.
Among the 2,424 young people consulted in the survey, 12% said they had already been treated in an aggressive or unpleasant way and 42% said they had already seen someone being discriminated against. One of these people was student Maria Eduarda Santana, 16 years old, who reports having been through several situations that upset her.
“The most recent one was a week ago, on the social network X (formerly Twitter). A person I have no knowledge of put me on a list and used extremely profanity to refer to me. It was something that really upset me, because I didn’t understand why it happened, since I never said any bad words to people on the internet”, he says.
Publicist Daniel Branco, 49 years old, saw his daughter go through a similar situation, made worse by the fact that they were acquaintances. “In 2023, girls in my 14-year-old daughter’s class made stories with the intention of humiliating her. It was very difficult for us, as parents, to see the effects it had on her. Even more difficult for her, for sure”, he guarantees.
“We brought the matter to the attention of the school. My wife got in touch with the mothers of some of the girls involved and that was enough for the bullying, at least the digital one, to end. Fortunately, it was resolved, but it left marks, as expected”, he laments.
According to lawyer Tamiride Monteiro, president of the Technology and Information Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association Bahia Section (OAB-BA), in cases of bullying or discriminatory offenses against children and adolescents committed by adults, the first step is to preserve the evidence and contact the Cyber Crimes Police Station to file a police report.
“The Adolescent Child Statute already includes in its articles a greater penalty when the crime against an adolescent child is carried out using computer media, be it on social networks, computers, games or any other electronic means that may apply”, highlights the expert.
According to the research, girls look to their parents more when something bothers them on the internet than boys do – 52% of them say they always do this, compared to 36%. Psychologist Ingrid Nayan advises that parents and young people strengthen their dialogue with those responsible even further when they encounter situations that they are unhappy with.
“Parents need to understand what is happening to this child or teenager, see who bothered them and what it was like, so that appropriate measures can be taken. After all, any offense in the virtual world also affects a child who is in the process of forming character and personalities. There have to be conversations with young people to find out to what extent this has affected them, care and acceptance”, he concludes.
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