
Correio newspaper | 27-year-old doctor dies after BMW aquaplans on SP highway



27-year-old doctor dies after BMW aquaplans on SP highway

The girlfriend was rescued in serious condition

  • Photo by the author Estadão

Published on October 21, 2024 at 1:07 pm

Félix Rosa died in a car accident in Ourinhos (SP)

Félix Rosa died in a car accident in Ourinhos (SP) Credit: Reproduction

A 27-year-old doctor died after the BMW car he was driving aquaplaned and left the road on Saturday afternoon, 19th, on Rodovia Orlando Quagliato, in Ourinhos, in the interior of São Paulo. His girlfriend, a 24-year-old medical student, suffered serious injuries. The victims were trapped in the wreckage. Doctor Felix Rosa was from Sorriso, Mato Grosso, where the body was buried this Sunday, the 20th.

Orlando Quagliato (SP 327), which connects the Castello Branco and Raposo Tavares highways, is duplicated in the section. According to the State Highway Police, the accident happened at km 31 of the road, close to the Transbrasiliana interchange (BR-153).

The road was wet from the rain and the vehicle aquaplaned, leaving it out of control. The car left the road and was stuck between the embankment and a tree. The concessionaire mobilized its own teams and called the Ourinhos Fire Department for the rescue.

The doctor was already dead when the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) team examined him. His girlfriend, Anna Júlia Polisini Tirolli, was taken in serious condition to the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Ourinhos. She is a medical student at the Centro Universitário de Adamantina, in the interior of São Paulo.

Anna Júlia arrived at the hospital with several fractures in her limbs and a concussion in her chest and was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This Monday, the 21st, she was conscious, breathing without the help of equipment and her condition was stable. In Adamantina, family and friends held prayer chains for Anna’s health.

Doctor Felix Rosa had graduated in 2022 with the 10th class of the Medicine course at the Faculty of Medicine Faceres, in São José do Rio Preto.

“It is with immense regret that we announce the death of Dr. Felix Rosa, dear graduate of the 10th class of the Faceres Medicine course. To his family, friends and companions we express our sincere condolences”, says the note.

The young man was a resident doctor at Santa Casa Municipal de São Carlos, who also used his social network to mourn the death of the professional, “recognized for his dedication and care for patients”.

Colleagues and friends also spoke out on social media. “Your skills and talents have always been admirable, but what really stood out to us was your dedication and passion for what you do. You were always someone who gave their all to every task, inspiring everyone around you to do their best,” wrote Evelyn C. Oliveira on her Facebook page.

The body was buried in an atmosphere of great emotion at the Municipal Cemetery of Sorriso, late this Sunday afternoon. The causes of the accident are being investigated by the Civil Police of Ourinhos, which is awaiting the report of the expertise carried out at the scene and on the vehicle.

During this period when rains become more frequent, the risk of aquaplaning increases on highways, according to the Federal Highway Police. The phenomenon occurs when the vehicle passes over a layer of water and the tires lose friction with the asphalt, causing the car not to follow the desired direction. In other words, the driver loses control over their car, regardless of the type of technology available in the vehicle.

To avoid aquaplaning, the PRF recommends that, if the road is wet or if it starts to rain, the ideal is to reduce the speed by around 30% below the maximum allowed on public roads. The lower speed helps traction and contact with the track. You must also maintain a greater distance from the vehicle in front. The tires must be in good condition, with the grooves deep enough.

What to do in case of aquaplaning:

Hold the steering wheel firmly and keep the vehicle in a straight line;

Take your foot off the accelerator and reduce speed;

Avoid braking suddenly, as the car could spin out of control;

Establish a safe speed standard for the situation until the vehicle regains grip on the road.


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Michelle Williams

I'm Michelle Williams, an enthusiastic author specializing in captivating entertainment content on Rwcglobally.com. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for the latest trends, I aim to engage readers with compelling narratives that reflect the dynamic landscape of the entertainment industry. Join me on Rwcglobally.com to explore the world of film, television, music, and more, as we uncover the stories that define contemporary culture.

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