
Correio newspaper | 10 works to read on National Book Day



10 works to read on National Book Day

Check out titles that combine personal growth, well-being and fun

  • Photo by the author Portal Edicase

Published on October 29, 2024 at 09:00

Reading plays an important role in our personal and professional lives (Image: Josep Suria | Shutterstock)

Reading plays an important role in our personal and professional lives Credit: Image: Josep Suria | Shutterstock

This October 29th, we celebrate National Book Day, a date that invites us to reflect on the impact of reading on our personal and professional lives. Reading not only connects us to new worlds, but also helps us grow, evolve and face daily challenges.

In Brazil, the reading scenario still faces difficulties: a survey by the Brazilian Book Chamber (CBL) revealed that 84% of the Brazilian adult population did not buy any books in the last year, despite 60% recognizing the importance of the reading habit.

Among the 16% who consumed books in the last 12 months, the main motivations are personal growth and leisure. However, factors such as lack of time and the high price of books still keep many potential readers away. Therefore, encouraging the habit of reading is essential in any circumstance in life.

For those who want to invest in new reading habits, we recommend a selection of books that can transform different moments in life. Check it out:

1. Career without Suffering: how to be successful without losing health and without fighting with those close to you

In “Career without Suffering”, Ana Tomazelli answers whether it is possible to have a prosperous professional career without having to suffer and work exhaustively (Image: Digital reproduction | Editora Brasport)

In “Career without Suffering”, Ana Tomazelli answers whether it is possible to have a prosperous professional career without having to suffer and work exhaustively (Image: Digital reproduction | Editora Brasport) Credit:

Is it possible to have a prosperous professional career without having to suffer and work exhaustingly? Ana Tomazelli, psychoanalyst and President of Ipefem (Institute for Research & Studies of Women and Multiple Existences), answers this question in her new book, “Career without Suffering: how to be successful without losing health and without fighting with those close to you.” you”, released by the publisher Brasport.

2. Life is a Review

“Life is a Review” shows how to build meaningful relationships and transform networking into a powerful tool for success (Image: Digital reproduction | Editora Gente)

“Life is a Review” shows how to build meaningful relationships and transform networking into a powerful tool for success (Image: Digital reproduction | Editora Gente) Credit:

Published by Editora Gente, the work of Gabriel Khawali, known for Resenha do Gab, shows how to build meaningful relationships and transform networking into a powerful tool for professional and personal success. In the book, the entrepreneur shares his personal and professional journey and reveals networking secrets. For the author, it is essential to leave the “bubble” to be a person with a greater repertoire and, consequently, more interesting.

3. Broken Step: The Self-Leadership Journey for Rising Women

In “Degrau Quebrado” Elisa Rosenthal presents the paths to developing self-leadership (Image: Digital reproduction | Editora MQNR)

In “Degrau Quebrado” Elisa Rosenthal presents the paths to developing self-leadership Credit: Image: Digital reproduction | MQNR Publisher

Every woman reaches a certain point in her career when she needs to overcome the broken step: a moment marked by obstacles that divert and impede professional growth. This difficulty in ascension is one of the main gaps to be overcome in your career advancement plan. In this book, Elisa Rosenthal, creator and President of the Instituto Mulheres do Imobiliário, presents the paths for developing self-leadership and for greater clarity on the planning, development and exercise of female leadership.

4. 101 Incredible Women Who Changed the World

“101 Incredible Women who Changed the World” is a book full of short biographies of scientists, activists, leaders, athletes, artists, explorers and many, many more (Image: Digital reproduction | Pé da Letra)

“101 Incredible Women who Changed the World” is a book full of short biographies of scientists, activists, leaders, athletes, artists, explorers and many, many more (Image: Digital reproduction | Pé da Letra) Credit:

A book for all ages. Discover the lives of 101 trailblazing women and the remarkable things they achieved. This book is filled with short biographies of scientists, activists, leaders, athletes, artists, explorers, and many, many more. From famous to forgotten, these women and their stories are sure to inspire and encourage you to dream big.

5. Coffee with God the Father

“Café com Deus Pai” is a work that invites the reader to reflect on their relationship with God (Image: Digital reproduction | Editora Quatro Ventos)

“Coffee with God the Father” is a work that invites the reader to reflect on their relationship with God Credit: Image: Digital reproduction | Quatro Ventos Publisher

Written by Tiago Brunet, it is a work that invites the reader to reflect on their relationship with God in a simple and everyday way, as in an intimate conversation over coffee. The author, who is a coach and speaker, offers an accessible approach to spirituality, encouraging daily practices of faith and personal growth. The book presents short and direct meditations, aimed at those who want to strengthen their spiritual connection, find inner peace and develop a more balanced life.

6. Smart Skills – Discover your strengths for a productive and happy career

In “Smart Skills” Antonio Muniz shows readers how to discover their strengths (Image: Digital reproduction | Editora Brasport)

In “Smart Skills” Antonio Muniz shows readers how to discover their strengths Credit: Image: Digital reproduction | Brasport Publishing

In this book, author Antonio Muniz, CEO Advisor 10X and President of Editora Brasport, identifies and analyzes a major challenge in current careers: taking advantage of individual qualities to generate results considering the technological advances of Artificial Intelligence (AI). He recognizes the importance of human work even with the advancement of AI.

To help readers find the career that best suits their personality, the author shows how to discover their strengths considering three intelligences: natural intelligence, technical intelligence and adaptive intelligence. Through more modern and robust scientific studies, it will be possible to discover your skills and have a productive and happy career.

7. The Power of Self-Responsibility

“The Power of Self-Responsibility” offers practical tools for the reader to take control of their own lives (Image: Digital reproduction | Editora Gente)

“The Power of Self-Responsibility” offers practical tools for the reader to take control of their own lives Credit: Image: Digital reproduction | Editora Gente

Paulo Vieira explores how the ability to take responsibility for one’s choices and attitudes can transform one’s personal and professional life. The specialist in human development offers practical tools for the reader to take control of their own lives, driving positive changes. The book presents coaching techniques and exercises that help identify behavior patterns that limit success and happiness, encouraging a mindset of proactivity and self-mastery.

8. Beatles lyrics: The story behind the songs

“The Beatles’ lyrics: The story behind the songs”, provides a unique and intimate view of the quartet’s remarkable creative process (Image: Digital reproduction | Editora Planeta)

“The Beatles’ lyrics: The story behind the songs”, provides a unique and intimate view of the quartet’s remarkable creative process (Image: Digital reproduction | Editora Planeta) Credit:

Hunter Davies spent time with the Beatles during the band’s heyday and wrote the group’s first and only authorized biography. Since then, he has researched and found more than a hundred handwritten song lyrics, which are reproduced here in a never-before-seen way. The quartet composed anytime, anywhere: songs could start on the back of an envelope, a napkin or hotel stationery. These writings, including several drafts and revised versions, provide a unique and intimate view of the remarkable creative process of the greatest popular music composers of all time: what they thought, how they changed their minds and how they performed their compositions today. known throughout the world.

9. Future ancestor

In “Futuro Ancestral” Ailton Krena provokes the reader with the radicality of his insurgent thought, which demonstrates common sense and invokes wonder (Image: Digital reproduction | Companhia das Letras)

In “Futuro Ancestral” Ailton Krena provokes the reader with the radicality of his insurgent thought, which demonstrates common sense and invokes wonder (Image: Digital reproduction | Companhia das Letras) Credit:

The idea of ​​the future sometimes haunts us with apocalyptic scenarios. On the other hand, it presents itself as a possibility of redemption, as if all current problems could be magically resolved later. In both cases, illusions separate us from what is around us. In this new collection of texts, produced between 2020 and 2021, Ailton Krenak provokes us with the radicality of his insurgent thought, which demonstrates common sense and invokes wonder. He says: “The rivers, these beings that have always inhabited the worlds in different forms, are the ones who suggest to me that, if there is a future to be considered, that future is ancestral, because it was already here.”

10. The Library of Secret Dreams: A story about the magic of books and their power to connect people

In “The library of secret dreams: A story about the magic of books and their power to connect people” the reader meets people who are at different points in their lives (Image: Digital reproduction | Editora Sextante)

In “The library of secret dreams: A story about the magic of books and their power to connect people” the reader meets people who are at different points in their lives (Image: Digital reproduction | Editora Sextante) Credit:

In five independent stories that intertwine in a subtle way, you will meet people who are at different points in their lives, dealing with situations such as frustration at work, lack of opportunities, fear of failure and the desire to start over. Ms. Komachi has the gift of knowing exactly which book each visitor needs to change their perspective and feed their dreams again. Sometimes the most transformative changes aren’t the grandest: they’re the ones that make us see life – and its infinite possibilities – in an entirely new way.


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Michelle Williams

I'm Michelle Williams, an enthusiastic author specializing in captivating entertainment content on Rwcglobally.com. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for the latest trends, I aim to engage readers with compelling narratives that reflect the dynamic landscape of the entertainment industry. Join me on Rwcglobally.com to explore the world of film, television, music, and more, as we uncover the stories that define contemporary culture.

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