10 tips for the days before Enem
Check out how to increase your chances of ensuring a good performance in the test in this final stretch
Published on October 23, 2024 at 5:30 pm

The ideal preparation for Enem combines study, rest and a balanced diet Credit: Image: ViDI Studio | Shutterstock
This year, the National High School Exam (Enem) takes place on the 3rd and 10th of November throughout Brazil. The test will be taken by 5 million people, distributed across all Brazilian states and the Federal District.
With just a few days left until the exam, experts warn that, in addition to studying, it is also essential to take time to relax. “A break of 20 to 30 minutes between studies, for snacks and rest, is usually useful to protect young people from possible burnout”, advises Andreia Aparecida Castro, director of Marista Escola Social Ir. Lourenço.
The high school coordinator at Colégio Marista Arquidiocesano de São Paulo, Patrick Lima, makes some warnings about the days leading up to the exam. “The study routine should prioritize the resumption of content reviewed in the classroom, preferably in the same sequence”, he advises. This way, there is no need to spend energy and time thinking, every day, about where to start studying.
Below, check out other tips for the days leading up to Enem!
1. Organize your studies
In the final stretch, the focus is on broader content and possible topics for the essay. Observe the material studied in class, retaking it in the same sequence as the tests.
2. Prioritize the content that raises the most questions for you
The student should focus on the areas of knowledge that they consider most difficult, dedicating more time to them. To achieve this, one suggestion is to look for a greater amount of support material and make an effort to assimilate this content.
3. Reading is essential
In recent days, prioritize reading different textual genres, such as chronicles, opinion articles, news from newspapers, magazines, online, etc. In addition to becoming well informed about possible topics for writing, you expand your vocabulary.
4. Pay attention to the writing
The writing requires special attention. In the last few days, write as much as possible, reviewing the elements that make up the essay structure requested by Enem.

Set aside time to study and time to rest Credit: Image: fiskes | Shutterstock
5. Slowing down is the watchword
Schedule your study time and do not exceed the stipulated time. It is important to maintain moments with family, friends and, above all, moments of rest.
6. Pay attention to your health
To improve the assimilation of knowledge, it is important to think about well-being, taking care of your diet, taking rest breaks and practicing physical activities. Try to relax, especially the day before the exams.
7. Sleeping well is as important as studying
Sleep routine affects all activities. It is essential to maintain the daily recommendation of 8 hours of sleep, thus recovering the rest necessary for the tests.
8. Organize and separate documents in advance
To avoid unforeseen events, in the last few days, check all mandatory documents. It is necessary to bring an original identity document with a photo, such as the National Identity Card (CIN), digital CNH, e-Título or ID in digital form, through the Gov.br application, proof card and a black pen made of transparent material (attention: it is the only one accepted).
9. Pay attention to the time
The gates open at 12pm and close at 1pm (Brasília time). The ideal is to keep an eye on the clock and leave the house in advance. “The traffic, in some race areas, tends to be quite intense, it is best to arrive early to avoid any unforeseen events”, recommends Patrick Lima.
10. Check your data on the day of the test
Before you start answering Enem questions, check that your personal data is correct in the question booklet, answer card, writing sheet and attendance list. Furthermore, Andreia Aparecida Castro makes another warning: “Before starting to solve the test, it is a good idea to check that there are no missing pages in your question book”. If this happens, notify the room inspector immediately.
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