Second, 4/11 (Chapter 31)
Madalena prefers not to believe in the possibility that Osmar stole her family. Osmar despairs about the disappearance of the money, and Violeta acts naturally. Tereza fears that Doralice will find out about the winning ticket. Madalena searches her house looking for Lindomar’s note.
Roxelle says goodbye to Sebastian, and Joyce complains. Chico reveals to Moreira that Roxelle blackmailed him. Neuza is surprised by Edson’s visit. Madalena decides to look for Osmar. Roxelle sees Neuza arrive with Edson at the cafeteria and becomes suspicious. Madalena confronts Osmar.
Tuesday, 5/11 (Chapter 32)
A student gets sick at the gym, and Nando worries. Jayme asks for time off at the company. Madalena cuts ties with Osmar. Lucas feels bad, and Cida gives up going out with Sidney. Roxelle tells Sidney that Neuza arrived at the final stop in Edson’s car.
Osmar invites Tati to come to his house, and Madalena tries to stop him. Sidney questions Cida about her feelings for him. Jão confronts Neuza about the ride he took with Edson. Madalena talks to an entrepreneurship expert. Tati decides to look for Osmar.
Wednesday, 6/11 (Chapter 33)
Osmar invites Tati and Doralice to live with him. Jão reprimands Neuza. Cida argues with Sidney. Roxelle and Chico, Sebastian and Joyce and Osmar and Violeta agree to go to the same forró. Madalena and Tati face each other.
Jão and Nando know each other. Tati’s teacher suggests new work ideas for Madalena. Sidney goes to Cida’s house. Jão suggests that Madalena look for a lawyer. Joyce sees Osmar at forró with Violeta.
Fifth, 7/11 (Chapter 34)
Osmar arrives at a meeting of offenders and is surprised by his presentation. Madalena talks to a lawyer. Jô helps Osmar at the meeting. Doralice asks Rique to preserve Tereza’s job. Osmar faces Armando. Moreira sets up Chico.
Tati watches an episode of her series with Jin. Roxelle falls into Moreira’s frame. The ball pit catches fire. Madalena despairs when she sees Doralice in the burning shed and goes to her aid with Jão.
Friday, 11/8 (Chapter 35)
Tereza returns from her trip and decides to stay at home with Jayme. Belisa faints when Silvia shows her the diary she found from her grandmother. He already helps people inside the warehouse. Joyce notices Belisa’s tension when talking about Mariazinha’s diary. Osmar has fun with Tati.
Doralice is taken to the hospital, and Jayme tells Osmar. Tati hears Jin speak in Korean on the phone and questions him. Joyce discovers that Violeta found her earring. Belisa tells Silvia that she fears that Mariazinha has written her secret in the diary she brought from Paris.
Jão announces that Dragão Suburbano will not parade at Carnival. Silvia tells Belisa that she will not open her grandmother’s diary. Madalena is furious when she sees that Doralice received an invitation to go to Osmar’s house.
Saturday, 11/9 (Chapter 36)
Madalena tries to convince Doralice not to go to Osmar’s house. Violeta takes Doralice to her house to talk to Osmar. Rosana forbids Rique from asking Edson to help the Suburban Dragon. Sidney feels jealous of Cida with Alberto. Roxelle argues with Chico.
Tati gets excited when she receives a message from Nando. Sebastian encourages Roxelle to use Madalena to provoke Chico. Tati hides the gifts she receives from Osmar in her backpack. Madalena finds the gifts that Osmar bought for Tati.
The chapters of Come back on top are provided by Globo and are subject to change without prior notice
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