
Artur makes shameful discovery about Marcelo · TV News


The secret truths in Marcelo Gouveia’s relationship (Jose Loreto) and Arthur (Tulio Starling) will appear with everything in No Rancho Fundo. In the chapters of the penultimate week of the soap opera, the good guy will discover that his false friend knows who ordered his kidnapping and has been betraying him for months. He will feel deceived when he discovers that his “brother” has been running the illegal mining of Paraíba tourmaline in Gruta Azul.

After catching Marcelo and Blandina (Luisa Arraes) together, Artur’s relationship with his former friend has gone downhill. In scenes from this Tuesday’s chapter (22), the two will have another serious fight.

Túlio Starling’s character will tell his rival that Quinota (Larissa Bocchino) never really loved him. To retaliate, Marcelo will reveal that the person who masterminded Arthur’s entire kidnapping was Ariosto (Eduardo Moscovis).

The good guy will be very shaken, but the worst news is yet to come. Guilherme Tell (Rafael Saraiva) will tell Caridade (Clara Monk) who, without realizing it, helped Marcelo Gouveia in smuggling Paraíba tourmaline, which the scoundrel has clandestinely extracted from the Blue Grotto.

The restaurant owner will be shocked by this information and will rush to pass it on to Artur. In Thursday’s chapter (24), Caridade will reveal to Quinota’s husband that his former best friend is the head of the illegal mining operation.

Arthur will be very shocked by the story, he will feel seriously betrayed and will ask everyone to keep this a secret. He will want to prove this fact personally.

The boy will meet Marcelo and force him to take him to the Blue Grotto. At the location, Artur will make it clear that he already knows the crime the scoundrel is committing and will force him to explore the mine in front of him, in search of the stones.

Also read -> Summary of next chapters from the soap opera No Rancho Fundo.

Written by Mario TeixeiraNo Rancho Fundo takes place ten years after the events of Mar do Sertão (2022). The plot will be replaced on November 4th by Girl of the Moment, novel by Alessandra Poggi starring Doubt Santos e Pedro Novaes.

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Michelle Williams

I'm Michelle Williams, an enthusiastic author specializing in captivating entertainment content on Rwcglobally.com. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for the latest trends, I aim to engage readers with compelling narratives that reflect the dynamic landscape of the entertainment industry. Join me on Rwcglobally.com to explore the world of film, television, music, and more, as we uncover the stories that define contemporary culture.

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